Who should attend a Via de Cristo weekend?
Via de Cristo is intended for lay people from every walk of life and for pastors.
Via de Cristo is for people who live strong and active lives in Christ, and also for those who seek to be renewed and strengthened in their relationship with Christ and the people around them.
Via de Cristo is open to married couples as well as single men and women.

What happens on a Via de Cristo weekend?
A Via de Cristo weekend is a three-day journey, beginning on Thursday evening and ending Sunday evening.
The participants live, study, worship and commune together daily. There are fourteen talks, nine by lay people and five by clergy, presenting the Christian life, based on the person and teachings of Jesus Christ.
Via de Cristo gives those attending a living understanding of basic Christian truths. Participants will enjoy music and singing, food and fellowship, a time for laughter and for prayer and reflection.

After the Weekend
You may attend a Via de Cristo weekend only once in your life. Our prayer is that you build on it for the rest of your life.
We encourage you to expand your inner spiritual life through prayer, study and church participation, and become a more active witness for Christ in your daily life.
Community members are offered two ongoing means of perseverance:
Reunion Groups: small groups who meet regularly to study, pray, share and help one another in their quest for spiritual development.
Ultreyas: gatherings of the local Via de Cristo community for encouragement and fellowship.
Visit Upcoming Events and search for weekends near you.
Secretariats, List a Weekend using this simple form.