Annual Gathering 2024

2024 National Via de Cristo Annual Gathering
July 25-28, 2024
The Plaza Hotel, Las Vegas, NV

“Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus” —Hebrews 12:1-2

Registration is now open!

Click here to register

Pricing is as follows:

  • $335/double or $425/single with meals for 3 days (July 25-28)
  • $395/double or $485/single with meals for 4 days (July 24-28)

Early bird pricing ends May 1st. After that, the pricing will be increased.

If you would like to arrive a couple of days early or stay a couple of days longer, the hotel is offering the same room rates for Monday, July 22nd, through Monday, July 29th. You may book those rooms online at the same link as above at $90/night and you will need to pay The Plaza Hotel upon your arrival. Transportation and food will be on your own for extra days before the Annual Gathering or after Sunday breakfast. 

If you’ve already registered and you want to extend your stay, return to the registration site to edit your reservation.

Keep watching this site as we provide updated information on our plans and how you can participate.

Visit Annual Gathering | Visit Plaza Hotel & Casino