Amanda Hunter
Communications Coordinator
Amanda began her Via de Cristo journey back in 2012 with the Indiana/Kentucky Co-eds weekend #18. With a renewed sense of purpose to serve God, she took the lessons learned at her weekend and put them to use in her daily life. She has since served on several teams. In 2019 she served as the Communications Lead for the 2019 Annual Gathering hot team.
Amanda attends St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church in Speedway, Indiana where she is an active member serving on several mission teams. Amanda works as a sales administrator and majored in Corporate Communications and Public Relations in college.
Role Description
The Communications Coordinator is a responsible servant of Jesus Christ, who wishes to glorify God through managing and executing the overall NLS communications strategy. Through multiple avenues such as the newsletter, Facebook, website, and others, they will inform and connect the NLS Executive Committee and the greater VdC community.
- A National Lutheran Secretariat (NLS) Executive Board (EB) appointed position with no fixed length of service. The position will be reviewed annually and continued only by mutual consent of the current appointee and the President with Executive Committee (EC) approval.
- Serves without compensation.
- Accountable to National Lutheran Secretariat EC through the Executive Director.
Essential Functions and Responsibilities
- Pray regularly for the members of the NLS Board and the NLS affiliated secretariats.
- Be an active member of a renewal group.
- Manage the overall communications strategy of the NLS via multiple modes and technologies, stay connected with Technology Committee.
- Lead the team of 3-5 Communications Committee members to align duties appropriately and execute the formulated strategies.
- During the Annual Gathering, work with the Host Committee Communications Team to prepare a daily newsletter. Engage with Host Committee 1 year prior to lay out calendar of communications and help execute.
- Ensure the NLS newsletter is published at least quarterly — to keep member secretariats and the broader community informed. Proactively work with President and Executive Director each quarter to review scheduled content and provide draft to Executive Committee prior to publishing.
- Each July, establish and publish a calendar of authored articles for the newsletter and the assignment of each Board Member and Regional Coordinator.
- Work with Technology Administrator to publish an email blast of the most current newsletter issue, post on Facebook and post on the NLS web site.
- Maintain an accurate and timely manual for this position including a timeline of responsibilities.
- Provide an annual report of activities to the VPA for inclusion in the Annual Gathering binder no later than June 1 of each year.
Other Duties
As assigned by the NLS President, Executive Director
Supervisory Responsibilities
Lead the Communications Committee and work with the Host Committee’s Communication Team to produce a daily newsletter at the Annual Gathering.
Knowledge, Skills, and Related Gifts
Writing skills and grammar usage.
Computer skills and understanding of various soft wares to accommodate newsletter creation.
Able to work long, and possibly late, hours as needed, to publish the daily newsletter at the Annual Gathering.
Must work well with others – perhaps often in a teaching capacity.
Fiscal Responsibility
Appointee will submit appropriate travel and meeting expense reports/receipts to the NLS Treasurer in a timely manner, and will also be responsible for a laptop provided by NLS for creating the daily newsletters at the Annual Gathering.
Extent of Public Contact
Except for working with the Host Committee at the Annual Gathering, contact is made through the Conexiones and emails soliciting information for publication.
Physical Demands
Attend Mid-Year Meeting as requested. Long hours and late hours are possible at the Annual Gathering.
Working Conditions/Environment
This position requires ongoing flexibility; especially when working with the Host Committee.