Historical Documents

Historical Documents

About the Founder of Cursillo

Cursillo Founder Dies at 90, Members Thank Him for Bringing Them the Gospel

The Prison Story

A group of young men, of the Spanish Action Movement, were attempting to launch, what they believed would be a wonderful apostolic work, to counter the un-Christian world they were living in.

Charter Members

Whereas we, the undersigned, and others associated with us, desire, for the sake of our common purposes, to band ourselves together into a National Cursillo Secretariat for Lutherans…

In June of 1988 the NLS adopted its official logo. In the center is the familiar cross. It is surrounded by the Luther rose from the Luther emblem. Around the outside are the words, “Via de Cristo” and “National Lutheran Secretariat.”

First Ecumenical Gathering

The First Ecumenical Meeting of the 4th Day Movements was held January 15, 1994 at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, West Palm Beach, Florida. Representatives at this meeting included The Cursillo Movement, Kairos, Inc., Walk to Emmaus, National Episcopal Cursillo, Tres Dias, and the National Lutheran Secretariat.

Constitutional Documents

Via de Cristo and Recent E.L.C.A. Assembly Actions

Via de Cristo (Way of Christ) is a Lutheran “Fourth Day” movement comparable to Roman Catholic Cursillo®, but autonomous from any church body. In regards to recent actions by the E.L.C.A., Via de Cristo maintains that we do not, as a matter of policy, endorse, denounce or pass judgment on actions by any church body. 

50th Anniversary

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