Spiritual Director · March 13, 2019

Walking with Jesus #1

When I was a pre-school child we lived in a small town in Texas where everyone knew everyone, and everyone looked out for their neighbor’s child.

My mom often sent me on my tricycle to the local mercantile store to pick up thread, zippers, and various needs for her sewing endeavors. I rode my tricycle down the sidewalks of that small town like they were part of our back yard. Being sent on an errand by my mother was something I looked forward to because I got to meet people on the street and in the stores.

I never feared the traffic, because people looked out for me. I never feared a stranger because that little town was a safe environment. It was not at all like our world today. No parent would dare send their child to the store on their tricycle today because of the danger.

When God sent his Son into our world, even though he was born in the small town of Bethlehem, it was not a safe place either. It was filled with evil just as our world is today.

When God sent his Son into our world, even though he was born in the small town of Bethlehem, it was not a safe place either. It was filled with evil just as our world is today. There was no doubt that Jesus life was in danger from the very beginning. Herod the Great would have killed him as an infant if his parents had not escaped with him to Egypt through the advice of an angel. Yet, in all, that danger and evil Jesus came to bring the love of God to this world, and share our human condition by bringing God’s love to us.

As we begin our day let us ask ourselves, “How will I share God’s love today?”

As he prayed to God the Father just prior to his death on the cross he prayed for his disciples who he was sending into the world with that same love to share with others. He sends us on this mission also. And each day we have many opportunities as sent ones to share God’s love. So as we begin our day let us ask ourselves, “How will I share God’s love today?”

Pray for God to guide you to someone to whom you can share God’s love. It may be a simple act of kindness, generosity, a smile for someone who needs an uplift in their spirit, or giving a helping hand to someone in need. It may be words of encouragement or comfort that someone needs to hear.

If we let God guide us through the Holy Spirit we will find a way to let Christ send us with the Good News of God’s love. Pray for God’s guidance.

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Sue is NLS Spiritual Director, since 2019 and is a retired Lutheran Pastor (ELCA). Active in VdC since 1995, she has served two terms on the Board of the Texas VdC Secretariat, and also on the Texas Gulf Coast VdC Board as Spiritual Director since its start-up in 2017.