Minutes · May 13, 2019

Meeting April 8, 2019

NLS Board Meeting
Monday, April 8, 2019

Present: Wendy Showalter, President- Rev. Sue Beall, Spiritual Director- Jeanne Gaston, Secretary- James Ryan,
Treasurer- Paul Sabatier-Smith, Palanca Chair- Rhonda Balsley, Non-Profit/Tax Advisor- Skip and Lori Gooch,
Archivist/Historian- Carol Reedstrom, Conexiones Newsletter Editor- Rick Hanzlik, Web / AV Coordinator- Dave
Lambert, Database CoordinatorAbsent: Debbie Klatt, VP of Administration- Tom Krause, National Distribution Center

Call to Order 8:03 CT

Opening Prayer was led by Pastor Sue

A motion was made by Pastor Sue and 2nd by Rhonda to approve the minutes from the meeting on March 11,
2019. Motion passed.

Welcome to Lindsay and Lori and Skip.

Old Business

NLS Tax Penalties – Have not heard back from IRS.


Debbie – The host committee INKY is still working hard and are waiting to get the short bios from the
speakers. They are sending me these within a couple weeks. When we get them, they will be uploaded
to the new website as a short condensed version. The complete bios will be for the binders. The HC is
also looking for the schedule, but told them, we will be working on that. I have to finalize the workshops
and get a description for them, which I’m almost done. I have also asked for an updated registration list,
which Randy is supposedly getting me this week so I can give these to the RC’s through Lindsey. Pastor
Doug Given has notified Pastor Sue about her duties at the Annual Gathering too.

Minnesota’s HC is working hard too and have raised a couple more thousand. They will be sending
several to shadow the current HC for this year’s AG.

Texas is having their first meeting after receiving all the bids from the universities around the state and
will be making a decision when and where the AG will be in 2021. The meeting is May 11th.

Sue – Clergy Experience – 1st planning session for 3 secretariats in Texas was held in Jan. A Clergy Experience
will be held February 10-13, 2020. The verse and theme is Mark 10:43 – Will You Let Me Be Your Servant

Jim – 1st Quarter Report-Recap $31,515Balance as of January 1, 2019+$5164 (receipts/$1300 from the 2018
Host Committee, the majority from dues)-$5754 (Disbursements which includes a $4000 advance to the
2019 Host Committee). Ended quarter a few hundred ahead.

Jim will work on a message for the newsletter and/or Facebook concerning Thrivent Grants.

Jeanne – There are still some outstanding annual activities reports. She is working to get them all in. This has been
difficult without an updated data base.

Manuals – Jeanne will be contacting all Board Members for their Job Manuals. We would like to have
these completed and have them updated so the next person to step into the position will be ready and
able to do what the position requires and has a time line on when items will need to be completed. This is
part of our five-year plan.

Lindsay – Had an RC meeting. Lindsey is setting up meetings with each RC. She has talked to four RCs so far. Date
has been setup for a 2nd RC meeting. She has only heard back from about half of the RCs so far. One
regional coordinator has resigned-Ginny Buck, region 2. Prayers are requested to find a replacement.

Lindsey will be interviewing for this position.

Rick – Website was on hold for the month of March. It will be picked up again the week April 11
th. He will pass along the suggestions he has received at that point. Graphics and content are needed. Test site:

Annual Gathering website – hosting committee is not updating. It still says it is under construction.
Rick will redirect emails for Region 2 RC to Lindsey.

Carol – The Newsletter is just about ready to go out. Carol did request information from the AG Host Committee
for an article on the upcoming AG. Per Dave Lambert – Thrivent Action Card are available through Thrivent
for individual Thrivent members with a $250 limit – for Civic Engagement. Thrivent Dollars are funds
where you can direct funds to a 501c3.

Skip and Lori – Basement flooded but the archieved files are safe.

Rhonda – Minnesota Non-Profits emails have not really had any updates. She has added her name to some email
distribution lists. They have subjects such as Smart Non-Profits, Minnesota Grants Alert, Budget News
and Tools Events. In addition they have emails that are particular to different board positions. She has
signed up for all of these. She asked about online courses. They do have a couple per month. She sent
those to our Board Members. One of the classes is for Grant Writing. Dave suggested SCORE (Senior Core
of Retired Executives). They also have online courses. There are other sources as well.

There was a great article on starting non-profits. She will share the information with Lindsey.

Dave – The Data Base in general is a moving target. We have about 1500 names. About 1100 are active. There are
issues with the Data Base having multiple Lay Directors for a Secretariat. Dave will pull a list for each of
the seven regions. If email updates were sent while Dave was gone he didn’t receive them and we were
not notified that it was not received. Data Base needs to be kept as up to date as possible. Many of the
emails sent out are not being opened.

Paul – Not getting too many updates on weekends. He is getting a few. The biggest issue is something we don’t
have control of: 3dayol.org This is not a VdC website. Do the secretariats know they can request prayer
on our website? Wendy will discuss with Lindsey. Outgoing officers are not sharing everything with new
officers. This is one of the things that seems get missed.

Tom – Not on call but has said he will be attending AG and will bring items with him. Items need to be updated
and revamped.

New Business

Travel Reimbursement – If a Non-Executive Board Committee member has an assigned duty at the AG their
expenses will be paid. For those Non-Executive Board Committee members with no assigned duties at the AG,
registration fee will be paid, other expenses will be reimbursed up to $100, if requested. We encourage all Board
Members to attend. If a Non-Executive Board Committee member is not in attendance at the AG they will still be
expected to join the Board Meeting via teleconference.

Closing Prayer led my Pastor Sue

Adjournment 8:35 CT