Minutes · August 26, 2019

Meeting June 2019

NLS Board Meeting
Monday, June 10, 2019

Present: Wendy Showalter, President, Rev. Sue Beall, Spiritual Director, Debbie Klatt, VP of Administration, Jeanne Gaston, Secretary, James Ryan, Treasurer, Paul Sabatier-Smith, Palanca
Chair, Rick Hanzlik, Web / AV Coordinator, Dave Lambert, Database Coordinator, Tom Krause, National Distribution Center, Rhonda Balsley, Non-Profit/Tax Advisor, and Carol Reedstrom, Conexiones Newsletter

Absent: Paul Sabatier-Smith, Palanca Chair- Skip and Lori Gooch, Archivist/Historian

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 CT.

Opening Prayer was led by Pastor Sue

Approval of Past Meeting’s Minutes Motion was made to approve by Debbie and 2nd by Sue.
Motion passed.

Old Business



Debbie – AG moving along well. Finalizing the last workshops aka EOI sessions. Binder will be mostly digital and is almost done. There are 188 registered to date.

Meeting for the Executive Board Committee will be 2:00 PM on Wednesday afternoon and the Full Executive Board is 9:00 AM on Thursday morning.

Midyear Meeting will be November 7-10th in Minneapolis with board members arriving on Wednesday.

Sue– Continuing the weekly devotional. Has received 2-3 feedbacks a week. Pastor Sue is working on revising the SD Manual.

Pastor Sue will be responsible for preaching at the Sunday morning service and commissioning the delegates. Someone else will need to do the installation of officers since Pastor Sue will be installed as well. Doug Given will need to assign the installation to someone. She will also be heading one of the EOI sessions – SD Roundtable.

Jim – May 31 is our official end of year for the NLS. For the fiscal year we will be showing a small loss of about $1600. We would have been in the black if all the secretariats had paid their dues in full.

Jim has already filed our taxes for this year.

Right now there are 8 secretariats that have not paid their dues for this year. Trademark renewal fee needs to be paid.

Jeanne – Working on delegates. Information on number of eligible delegates have been sent out to each secretariat. Jeanne is in the process of sending delegates received to the RCs so they can help in having the secretariats respond.

Manuals will be worked on after AG info has been completed.

Lindsay – Received information from Debbie and sent to RCs. Only one person was on call the last time. 2nd meeting has been set and hopefully will be better attended.

Asked what her responsibilities will be at the AG. Everyone will receive a schedule upon arrival to the AG. Once it is final Debbie can send it out to the board. There will be two meetings with the RCs.

Carol – No report

Dave – 159 registrants as of middle of May that he is updating in Constant Contact. He will update as he receives more information.

Rick – There is a difference in our lists between SD and Clergy. SD are people who have been SDs. The Clergy list are pastors who have attended a weekend but has not been a SD. He doesn’t see a reason to keep a separate list of attendees to the AG before 2014.

He is working on the website and will show it to us in July as a first pass.

Paul – Absent

Tom – Finished the inventory. He is working on what to bring to the AG and would like feedback on what is needed. If any resources are dated Wendy would like to see them so we can see what is being used and what has not and if it needs to be revised.

New Business

Newsletter Name Change – Carol is going to be sending out an email blast to give the community a chance for input. At the AG the group will vote on the top three or leaving it as is.

Closing Prayer – led by Pastor Sue

Adjourn at 8:04 pm