Minutes · February 19, 2020

Meeting January 2020

NLS Executive Committee Meeting
Monday, January, 13, 2020

Present: Wendy Showalter, President, Debbie Klatt, VP for Administration, Lindsey Daugherty, VP for Outreach, Rev. Sue Beall, Spiritual Director, Jeanne Gaston, Secretary, James Ryan,

Guest: Pastor G. Karl Gaston

Call to Order by Wendy at 7:05PM CT

Opening Prayer was led by Pastor Karl Gaston

Approval of Past Meeting’s Minutes—Debbie moved to approve the minutes from December 2019 and Jim 2nd. Motion passed.

Old Business

Executive Board Terms – Sue has agreed to run again. Jim and Debbie will continue to pray on their call to these positions and let the Board know by the next meeting.

Laity Rollo Committee – The committee will try to have at least three of the Rollos to the Board by the March meeting.

By-Law Committee – Is meeting tomorrow night and will have a report to the Board by the next meeting.

Potential Name Change Committee – Are still in discussion on a potential name change for the NLS.

Website – Rick still needs some help with rewriting some of the sections of the website. Wendy will send what is needed to Jeanne to take a look and come up with some ideas.

Guinea Pig Project– Wendy sent a request to the people working on this for more information. Once the information is received, the Board will discuss and make a decision.


Sue – Clergy Survey – The survey is ready to go out. We are simply waiting on an updated list of SDs and clergy from the RCs.

Debbie – AG – Not a lot to report. Debbie did let the Host Committee know that we will not be using the on-campus church for our worship services.

Jeanne – Nomination Forms – Jeanne is still working on and will try to have them to the Board by the end of the month. Annual Activity Report –waiting to get updated information on the secretariats from Lindsay and the RCs so the report can be sent out to the correct contacts.

Jim – Not much happening this time of the year. Jim will send a written report to Jeanne and Wendy.

Lindsay – RC’s terms of service All RC’s serve a 4 year term. At the end of year 3, with the help of the current RC and VPO, we will look for the next RC to for that region. In year 4, the current RC and new
RC can slowly work together to help may the transition smooth. It would also be my hope for both RCs to attend the Annual Gathering, if possible.

Region 1- Kim Brownlow, start date 2012. Term ends summer 2020.
Region 2-Shelli Eder, start date 2019. Term ends summer 2023.
Region 3-Cindy Perkins, start date 2018. Term ends summer 2022.
Region 4-Pam Gross, start date 2017. Term ends summer 2012.
Region 5-Rose Briggs, start date 2018. Term ends summer 2022.
Region 6-Chris Rasmussen, start date 2012. Term ends summer 2020.
Region 7-Open Position, start date 2020. Term ends summer 2024.

New Business

The elected leadership of all the 4th Day Ministries meet each January in Florida. There are discussions on challenges and successes plus valuable fellowship. This is in our budget and Lindsay is scheduled to attend.

Next Meeting – Full Board – February 17

Closing Prayer led by Pastor Sue
Adjourned at 7:39PM CT

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Eric is our current Webmaster and works on the NLS Communications Team. Raised in Judaism, he found Christ and the New Testament at age 16 in a Southern Baptist Church. He searched many denominations for the real church, only to find the Holy Spirit is present in all of them. He's worked for One for Israel, a group of native Israeli believers who are sharing the gospel in the holy land in Hebrew and is part of the only Hebrew speaking seminary in Israel.