Minutes · June 15, 2020

Meeting June 2020

NLS Executive Committee Meeting & Standing Committee Chairs Meeting Minutes
Monday, June 15, 2020

Present: Wendy Showalter, President, Debbie Klatt, VP of Administration, Lindsey Daugherty, VPO, Rev. Sue Beall, Spiritual Director, Jeanne Gaston, Secretary, James Ryan, Treasurer, Hollie Jennings, Newsletter Editor, Rick Hanzlik, Web/AV Coordinator, Rhonda Balsley, Non-Profit/Tax Advisor, Dave Lambert, Database Coordinator, Tom Krause, National Distribution Center

Absent: Skip and Lori Gooch, Archivist/Historian, Paul Sabatier-Smith, Palanca Chair

The meeting was called to order at 7:07PM CT

Opening Prayer was led by Rhonda Balsley.

Debbie made a motion to approve May’s Executive Committee Meeting Minutes. Jim 2nd and the motion passed.

Old Business

Annual Reports due now!
Annual Gathering Business Meeting will be held virtually on Saturday, August 1. All attending need to register for the meeting. Anyone who registered for the in- person AG will need to register for the Virtual AG.


Brian – Sending out a weekly report to the Executive Committee. His first task was to talk to each board member to get a feel for what the board members felt we were doing well and what needed improvement, what he needs to focus on, what our vision is.

He is now setting up times to talk to the Committee Chairs to spend a little time with them to get their feedback.

He will be looking into liability insurance that Butch had been working on.

Debbie – AG – Will be setting up several practice sessions for the Virtual Annual Gathering. There will also be a virtual binder similar to last years. We may try to seat and commission the delegates at the same time. There will be more email blasts coming.

We will have one workshop included this year along with the Keynote speaker and 3 forums.

Videos for those up for election will be posted earlier and links will be sent out before the actual business meeting. If there are any nominations from the floor that/those person(s) would give their information live during the meeting.

Sue – is working on the worship services and getting them taped. Everyone is requested to give their input on length of services. There are two services.

Jim – Sent out 5/31/2020 end of year statement and 2020-2021 Budget to the Executive Committee and Committee Chairs. He continues to attempt to collect dues from each Secretariat. 990 filing has been done.

Jeanne – Palanca page for the new website – Karl is working on it and may ask someone else for input.

Annual Activities Reports – I have heard back from all but 7. Nebraska no longer has a website. We are not sure where they stand. Dr. Skogland was our contact in the past. There are several others that I will be following up with. River’s Edge and the others we have not received information from.

Delegates are coming in slowly. Randy will put the registrations into the format needed to upload into Constant Contact.

Lindsay – Last meeting with the RCs discussed communication and gathering information and other ways to do it. It is really important to build relationships. Relationships are so important to the VdC ministry.

Jeanne suggested the secretary could send out a form for each secretariat to complete for updated information on officers. It could simply be uploaded into Constant Contact. This might also give the secretariats a connection with the Board. Education on why this information in important might help us get the information needed and make it more streamlined.

It would be great if the RCs could receive communications going out to the Lay Directors before sending out to the group. There are several RCs that are not receiving emails notifications. We will check on this to see if we can figure out what the issues are and what is happening.

Lindsay has ideas on ways to make the RCs better known- possibly Zoom calls, etc. Wendy suggested that the RCs host Zoom meetings with their regions – as part of the Annual Gathering.

Still looking for RCs for Region 6 & 7. Brian and Lindsay will discuss temporary help possibly be given in these regions from another region.

Rick – There is a scheduled call with GoToMeeting to get ready for the AG. Rick has a dropbox account where large files can be uploaded. He will upload into our You Tube video so members can watch at their leisure.

Hollie – It seems that some think the NLS Facebook page is for local secretariats. Maybe it would be possible to have secretariats post a link to their page.

Rhonda – One of the secretariat’s 501(c)(3) license’s has expired. Tom will follow up.

Dave – Was on the call. Due to the length of the meeting he had to disconnect.

Tom – Everything has come to a halt due to Coronavirus. Not sure what to expect for the fall. Any compliance items completed should be sent to Brian and Jeanne.

New Business


Monday, August 3, 7 pm CT– brief teleconference

July 13th is the next Executive Committee meeting @ 7PM CT

Closing Prayer led by Pastor Sue

Adjourn was 8:54 PM CT

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Eric is our current Webmaster and works on the NLS Communications Team. Raised in Judaism, he found Christ and the New Testament at age 16 in a Southern Baptist Church. He searched many denominations for the real church, only to find the Holy Spirit is present in all of them. He's worked for One for Israel, a group of native Israeli believers who are sharing the gospel in the holy land in Hebrew and is part of the only Hebrew speaking seminary in Israel.