NLS Executive Committee Meeting
Monday, March 11, 2019
Present: Wendy Showalter, President, Jim Ryan, Treasurer, Debbie Klatt, Vice President of Administration, Sue Beall, Spiritual Director, Jeanne Gaston, Secretary
The meeting was called to order 7:12PM CT
Opening Prayer was led by Pastor Sue
Approval of Past Meetings’ Minutes
Motion was made by Debbie, seconded by Jim and passed to approve of the minutes from January’s Executive Committee Meeting minutes.
Motion was made by Debbie, seconded by Jim and passed to approve of the minutes from February’s NLS Board Meeting minutes.
Old Business
Wendy – RCs Meeting – This is finally getting started with monthly activity. When we get new VPO in place this should be a great addition. All but one RC was on the last call.
Guidestar has been updated with our Mission Statement.
Pastor Sue will be talking to Dick Brenneman tomorrow to discuss the Clergy Experience. She had a meeting with the three secretariats in her area. The purpose was to plan a clergy weekend. Progress is being made.
Prayer Partners have been set for the entire Board. Please get in contact with your partner with prayer concerns.
Debbie – Speakers are all in place. Expenses will be reimbursed for speakers if requested not for their guests.
Minnesota will host in 2020. They have requested approval of Verse and theme – Love the Lord Your God with all Your Heart with all Your Soul and with all Your Mind – Matt 22:37. God is the Center. – Jim made a motion to approve the verse and theme. Debbie seconded. The motion passed. They have begun fund raising – hoping to get $5000 from each of their three districts.
INKY is waiting for information on speakers to get website updated.
Debbie will do a marketing video for the AG in the next week and Wendy toward the end of the month.
RCs would like to know who has already registered within each region. Can that be sent out monthly? Debbie will look into it for them.
Jeanne – Annual Activity Results has been sent out. They are coming back in slowly. Follow up emails are being sent for those not received. A report will be sent annual report for 2019 that will
include the number of delegates for the AG.
You may be receiving an email from Jeanne if I don’t have your position manual.
Jim – Annual Billing-Still waiting for better contact information on two or three.
Fundraising Ideas- Hobby Lobby is now only contributing to one charity. Thrivent can still be used with different members requesting for different activities. Wendy asked Jim to create a document of explanation on how to accomplish this. Should be sent out as a blast mail, in the newsletter and on the Facebook page. Due date is mid-April.
Wendy requested a document that delineates registration fees. Jim is working on it.
New Business
July Ballot for NLS – Secretary, VPO, and President – Nominating Committee will research to find candidates who may like to run. There can only be two Executive positions from a region.
Wendy was contacted by several people concerned about not receiving tee shirts that they had ordered and paid for but never received. We will ask for clarification.
Jack Balsley will be asked to serve as Parliamentarian for the 2019 AG.
Debbie – Non-Profit/Tax Advisor was created simply to stay on top of any law or tax changes.
Closing Prayer was led by Pastor Sue
At 8:13pm a motion was made by Jeanne to adjourn the meeting. Debbie seconded the motion. Motion passed.