Minutes · November 22, 2019

Meeting October 2019

NLS Executive Committee Meeting
Monday, October 21, 2019

Present: VPA: Debbie Klatt, VPO: Lindsay Daugherty, Spiritual Director: Pastor Sue Beall

Absent: Wendy Showalter, James Ryan, Jeanne Gaston

Meeting opened at 7:10 pm. Pastor Sue opened us in prayer.

Because of the lack of a quorum, we reviewed the previous months meeting minutes only. We saw no changes needed. The meeting minutes will be approved at the midyear meeting.

Old Business

A posting on our website as well as a mass email was sent for the two committee openings. One was for the Laity Rollo Reviews and the other for looking into the possibility of the NLS name change.

Marcia Poisel has accepted the position as Chair for the NLS name change committee. Right now, we are still looking for individuals to Chair for the Laity Rollo Review, but to date, we do not have a chair.

Pastor Sue Beall sent Wendy a recommendation for someone on the Laity Review committee.


Pastor Sue Beall

She reviewed the 2012 Pastor survey and has added 21 questions for 2019. These will include more details and new questions such as what their Church affiliations are, when was their 1st walk, (VdC, Emmaus, etc.), Lay leadership improvements, and maybe suggestions with theological conflicts. These questions will be reviewed and approved at Midyear meeting in Minneapolis.

Debbie suggested that Rick Hanzil might be able to help her with a survey through Constant Contact.

The Clergy Experience is rapidly moving forward. All synods involved were sent letters to invite them. The Bishop from the Gulf Coast Synod has agreed to give one
of the SD Rollos. Debbie suggested that retired Bishop Tiemann from Southwestern Texas Synod could be contacted to give another Rollo as well.

Debbie Klatt

Debbie discussed what will happen and what to expect at the midyear meeting.

Wendy has graciously offered to have dinner at her home on Wednesday, Nov. 6th evening.

Nancy Peterson, (Host Committee Chair), will make sure that everyone will be picked up from the airport and transport them to Wendy’s home. The hotel has a shuttle to the airport so everyone can find their own way back to the airport.

The tour of the campus will be early on Thursday morning followed by an afternoon meeting at the hotel.

Lindsay Daugherty

The Regional Coordinator meeting went well. They set future dates for their annual meetings. They discussed updating their Secretariats “Contacts” quarterly, instead of once every year. They also discussed setting their goals starting January 15th. They discussed how to manage their roles and how to grow. Brainstorming ideas, outreaching, temple talks, etc. The following are their concerns about the board:

The Palanca on the website is not updated adequately by Paul. It is not usable and upsetting. Maybe consider changing/updating.

There are concerns that the new website is not ready. They don’t understand why it is not up and running already.

They didn’t notice that the committee positions were posted and were not notified by email of these positions. Lindsay corrected them and told them they were posted.

The new Secretariat, Ignite, in Minnesota has the separation papers ready but would like confirmation that they are accurate.

New Business

Lindsay brought a concern to the board about alcohol at camps during a Via de Cristo weekend. Many concerns were expressed. Debbie suggested that each individual Secretariat Board should have rules. The NLS can only express our opinions and concerns, but each Secretariat will need to make their weekend rules. All three, Lindsay, Debbie and Pastor Sue thought it was inappropriate to drink alcohol at a weekend devoted to God. We all thought that this subject could be discussed at the midyear meeting.

Debbie mentioned that someone would be discussing with us at midyear meeting on a possible way to restructure the VdC weekend to entice more people without losing any of the essentials.

Pastor Sue closed us in prayer at 7:59 pm.

Debbie Klatt NLS VPA NLS acting Secretary

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Eric is our current Webmaster and works on the NLS Communications Team. Raised in Judaism, he found Christ and the New Testament at age 16 in a Southern Baptist Church. He searched many denominations for the real church, only to find the Holy Spirit is present in all of them. He's worked for One for Israel, a group of native Israeli believers who are sharing the gospel in the holy land in Hebrew and is part of the only Hebrew speaking seminary in Israel.