Minutes · October 16, 2019

Meeting September 2019

NLS Executive Committee Meeting
Monday, September 16, 2019

Present: Wendy Showalter, President, Debbie Klatt, VP for Administration, Lindsey Daugherty, VP for Outreach, Rev. Sue Beall, Spiritual Director, Jeanne Gaston, Secretary, James Ryan, Treasurer, Rick Hanzlik, Web / AV Coordinator, Dave Lambert, Database Coordinator, and Tom Krause, National Distribution Center

Absent: Rhonda Balsley, Non-Profit/Tax Advisor, Skip and Lori Gooch, Archivist/Historian, Paul Sabatier-Smith, and Palanca Chair

The meeting was called to Order at 7PM CT.

Opening Prayer was led by Pastor Sue

AG Minutes – Sue made a motion to approve the minutes for the 2019 Annual Gathering Business Meeting. Debbie seconded and the motion passed Lindsay made a motion to approve the August 19, 2019, minutes. Sue seconded and the motion passed.

Old Business

Constant Contact NLS Street Address will be changed to Jim Ryan’s home address.


Debbie – needs travel info from everyone for Mid-Year. Arrival should be on the November, Wednesday, 6th and leave on Sunday, November 10th. Rick will be attending as the Executive Committee’s request. He should be able to stay with us for the duration of the meeting. We are requested to arrive at the Minneapolis/St. Paul airport before 5:00 so that we can share dinner together.

Sue – Working on the survey to go out to the SDs.

Jim – Financial activity has been sent to the Board.
He will coordinate with Nancy Peterson for the advance for the 2020 Annual Gathering. Jim will be out of the country starting early October through the 1st week of November.

INKY did a great job. We received $350 from them.

He will join us over the phone Friday or Saturday during the Mid-Year Meeting.

Jeanne – Working on the evaluations. Will send info out as soon as completed.

Manuals are coming along. Still waiting on several. Will follow up later this week.

Goals – please send them to me within the next two weeks.

Lindsay – RC meeting set for 9/30. One of the secretariats wants to change to their legal name and the link to their website. Rick found a bug that was preventing some of the listings. That has now been fixed. Dave has a list of the actual corporate names of all the secretariats that he will send to Lindsay.

Ignite was looking for an example of bylaws so they can get everything together. Lindsay sent them several.

Rick – Jim will send his address to Rick so he can add it to Constant Contact.

There was a discussion about an SSL Certificate. During the last A.G., some attendees could not access our website because we were without this certificate. It would cost us $129 for 2 years. Jeanne made a motion to purchase the Certificate and Debbie seconded. Motion past.

On the website, Rick needs to know what to keep and what not to move. He has moved quite a few items to the new website but there is much more that needs to be discussed. Rick will have more availably after October 7th. Dave suggested that we save whatever we decide not to move over somewhere so it can be accessed if needed.

Dave – Needs info from Ignite for the data base. Wendy will reach out to them and get back to Dave. Our database should have the names of members so Dave can move them from Minnesota to Ignite. It will take the new secretariat a couple of months before the entire process is completed. Wendy will send Dave the leadership for the secretariat. Rick will need the URL for their website.

Goal for the data base is to get it cleaned up.

Tom – Tom inquired about transferring funds from the account he uses to the general account. This is usually done once a year. Tom will send a check to Jim for $2000 for now. Wendy would like Sue to review the brochure for the pastors. Tom will send Sue and Wendy an electronic copy.

New Business

Newsletter Editor – the board received the names of two candidates – After some discussion, the Board made the decision to offer the position to Hollie Jennings. Rick asked if it would be appropriate for the new person to post to our Facebook Page. Wendy will discuss this with Hollie.

By-Laws Committee – Pastor Karl Gaston is the chair along with Paul Schmidlin, Jim Ryan, Mark Hammond, and Bobbi Lind.

Rollos and Name Change Committees – There was a Facebook post and a blast email was sent out yesterday. Wendy asked the board to pray for chairs for these committees. If you have a name or two that is detail oriented please let her know.

Jeanne will work on a Nominee Information Form for Executive Director and send it to Wendy. Once this is completed we will request nominees from the community again.

Wendy will be out of the country during the next meeting as will Jeanne and Jim.

Closing Prayer led by Pastor Sue
Meeting adjourned at 8:17 PM

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Eric is our current Webmaster and works on the NLS Communications Team. Raised in Judaism, he found Christ and the New Testament at age 16 in a Southern Baptist Church. He searched many denominations for the real church, only to find the Holy Spirit is present in all of them. He's worked for One for Israel, a group of native Israeli believers who are sharing the gospel in the holy land in Hebrew and is part of the only Hebrew speaking seminary in Israel.