Minutes · September 21, 2021

Meeting September 2021

NLS Executive Committee Meeting
Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Present: John Aclin, Jane Winge, Jim Ryan, Pastor Sue Beall, Karen Weires, Kim Brownlow, Sue Bathe, Amanda Hunter, Dave Leverenz, Marcia and Randy Poisel

Call to Order – John

Opening Prayer led by Pastor Sue

Minutes from the August 10, 2021 were accepted.

Old Business


Brian – Not present

Jane – Mid-Year Meeting Follow Up and Annual Gathering Follow Up – The AG committees now have a full team. They will continue to watch the Covid numbers for the Mid-Year meeting.

Pastor Sue – Spiritual Director Support Committee is revising the brochure that goes out to SD’s. She would like a list of all SD’s. Poisel’s do not have a specific pastor list in Constant Contact. Sue would like the Lay Directors to send a list of all SD’s to the SD Support Committee and the Poisel’s.

Jim – Reviewed the Treasurer’s report. Jim gave a recap of the activity for the 1st quarter. The State of Minnesota sent notice of compliance so we are good for another year.

Karen – Karen wrote articles for Conexiones where she introduced the RC’s. She is still looking for RC’s for Region 1 & 2. Karen will send Region 4 information to Kim.

Kim – The Zoom Invite was not sent to Committee Chairs, Jeanne Gaston received no Zoom invite. Kim will need to include all committee chairs at next full Board Meeting.

Sue B. – Sue and Brian met with Mark Gerber from Metalife Information Systems who work with many nonprofits. Sue discussed cost of this service and they will schedule another meeting with Metalife to get a better understanding of what each facet is and what NLS may specifically need. They will include the Poisel’s in that meeting. Amanda explained that our current database is more of a marketing system to house information.

Randy asked what is the main goal of a database for NLS? This will need to be discussed more at the Mid-Year meeting. We need to look at what we want to accomplish and talk to our Secretariats to get a better understanding of what help we may offer to them.

Amanda – The Conexiones edition is out and there was a good read. She is working on October’s. Amanda is trying to get more people to help on the Communication Team. Pastor Sue would like to do a Seasonal Message from the SD committee. Amanda encouraged everyone to get more involved with our social media.

Dave – Dave has connected with Eric. The paper archives are in good shape. In regard to the electronic archives he will connect with Eric and see how to best get started.

Randy and Marcia – They are trying to keep up with the updates for Secretariats but having trouble with those Secretariats that are inactive. They would like to go through what is out there and what they need to get rid of in Constant Contact as there are so many categories.

New Business

John – John has been working on the Vision Statement. Over the next couple of weeks, he would like us to think of our movement using the SWOT Analysis – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. He would like each of us to pick 3 things that we should do next year. This will help us identify commons goals for NLS.

Consider answering the question – for what purpose?

What can we do to help that problem or what ideas can we bring to the table? John will draft a survey instrument for the local Secretariats asking what help they want from NLS? What can we help them with and how can we best offer that help?

We discussed how to send the survey out and to have Poisel’s create a category in Constant Contact to house those Secretariat contacts. John will send the draft to the EC for review. He would like to get it out to the Secretariats so that we can review the responses at the Mid-Year.

Closing Prayer – Pastor Sue

October Meeting – Tuesday, October 12, 2021- 9:00 – 10:00 p.m. EST – Executive Committee

Mid Year Meeting – October 28-31, 2021 – Texas

Respectfully submitted, Kim Brownlow

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Eric is our current Webmaster and works on the NLS Communications Team. Raised in Judaism, he found Christ and the New Testament at age 16 in a Southern Baptist Church. He searched many denominations for the real church, only to find the Holy Spirit is present in all of them. He's worked for One for Israel, a group of native Israeli believers who are sharing the gospel in the holy land in Hebrew and is part of the only Hebrew speaking seminary in Israel.