Minutes · October 30, 2021

Mid-Year Meeting October 2021

NLS Executive Committee Mid-Year Meeting Minutes
Thursday, October 28 – 30, 2021

Present: John Aclin, Jane Winge, Brian Schwarz, Jim Ryan, Pastor Sue Beall, Karen Weires, Kim Brownlow

The Executive committee and the Host Committee visited Texas Lutheran University upon arrival to the Mid-Year

Call to Order – John called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. – October 29, 2021.

Opening Prayer led by Pastor Sue

John reviewed the agenda for this meeting.

The minutes from the October 12, 2021 meeting were accepted.

The Executive Committee met with the Host Committee for status updates. The HC provided figures for the
AG for the EC to set the registration fee. Jim made a motion to set fees for early registration at $240.00 per
person / Thursday through Sunday and $275.00 per person / Wednesday through Sunday. The HC will come
back to the EC with additional recommendations for registration fees, late registration surcharge, single room
surcharge, fees, etc. Jane seconded. Motion passed.

Old Business

On August 3, 2021, via email, the EC approved additional funds of up to $1,300.00 be paid by NLS to the HC to
cover increased costs of house rental for Mid-Year.

On October 18, 2021, via email, the EC approved transferring the website to pair.com up to $200.00 per year.
Eric will update the website as soon as possible. The EC is aware of the problems currently with the website and
is working to correct the situation.

New Business

The EC and HC members introduced themselves and their role the for the AG. John thanked those who are serving
on the HC.

The EC discussed the financial obligations for registration and travel to the AG regarding EC, Appointed, RC’s,
speakers, etc.

Jane presented the proposed theme for the AG. “Love One Another” – John 13:35. Karen made a motion to
approve, Jim seconded. Motion carried.

The EC discussed topics and speakers for Keynote, Forum, workshops and EOI,s after reviewing responses from
the survey sent out to the Secretariats in October, 2021 in an effort to offer relevant topics that were mentioned
in that survey and other relevant feedback from the 4th Day.

The NLS will be a resource for HC for getting the word out on the AG and generating excitement. The EC discussed
the necessity to target all social media avenues available to us. Messages/Invites/Announcements should be fresh
and engaging. Amanda Hunter, EC Communications joined the meeting via zoom along with HC technology to
discuss social media, internal marketing, streaming, etc.

Brian and Sue Bathe discussed additional information regarding a database. The EC had several questions as to
cost, coverage, task necessities, ability to offer to Secretariats, security, etc. Mark Gerber will join our next meeting
to discuss the questions we have. Please send those questions or thoughts to Brian or Sue no later than November
5, to streamline the discussion.

Karen is working with the RC’s and filling in where there is an open position. She would like to find out where each
community is and how we can help them. The RC’s continue to be the front line for helping each Secretariat and
her role in building a relationship with the RC’s is necessary. Karen asked that we streamline the amount of
information that we need from each Secretariat to avoid confusion and duplicating messages.

Jim gave the Treasurer’s report and gave Kim documents of good standing with the Minnesota State Corporation
documents to hold in the Red Book. Kim will research information for a Registered Agent and other organizational
management needs to bring back to the EC. John is now a signatory on the bank accounts. Jane moved the
President and the Executive Director are made signatories on all financial accounts of the National Lutheran
Secretariat. Karen Seconded. Motion carried.

John will head up the Nomination Committee regarding the open positions and terms for election at the Annual
Gathering. Elections for VPA, Treasurer, and Spiritual Director in 2022.

During the Annual Gathering Meeting of 2020, the EC brought forward recommendations from the Bylaw Review
Committee. During the business meeting several bylaws were changed and a motion was made to table further
discussion of the remaining bylaw changes to the 2021 AG. After the AG of 2020, a Delegate Committee was
assembled. The current EC will follow up with the Delegate Committee to review recommendations. The EC will
also place remaining Bylaw change proposals on the agenda at the AG 2022. The EC discussed how to get this
information to the communities to ensure time for discussion or questions prior to the meeting and will make an
action plan. Kim will follow up with Eric to ensure corrected revised bylaws from the 2020 Annual Gathering are
on the Website.

John asked all EC members to begin a turnover file to assist the next person filling our positions.
John asked that the EC, Appointed and Committee Chairs send a report to the president prior to the meeting for
assembly and distribution to assist our meeting timelines.

Amanda has asked that her position be renamed to Communications Director. Eric will stay under the
Communications Director.

Other Action Plans for the EC and Appointed Committees:

  • Update/Correct Website – ASAP
  • Monthly Regional Coordinator Zoom Meetings – Karen –November 2021
  • Quarterly Lay Director Zoom Meetings – John – December 2021
  • Monthly NLS emails with updates to LD/RC’s/EC/Appointed Chairs – November 2021
  • Website Update – Eric Needle
  • Webinars to explore: Essentials, Red Book, Conflict Resolution – Amanda, John
  • Quarterly SD Zoom Meetings – Pastor Sue
  • Communication / Database– Brian Schwartz
  • Assemble Nominating Committee – Jane – January 2022

Meeting Adjourned 6:00 p.m. October 30, 2021 Worship Service followed.

Closing Prayer led by Pastor Sue

Next Meeting – Tuesday, November 9, 2021 – 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. EST – Executive Committee, Appointed
Leadership, and Committee Chairs. First half hour will be with Mark Gerber.

December Meeting – Tuesday, December 14, 2021 – 8:00 – 9:30 p.m. EST Executive Committee

Respectfully submitted, Kim Brownlow

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Eric is our current Webmaster and works on the NLS Communications Team. Raised in Judaism, he found Christ and the New Testament at age 16 in a Southern Baptist Church. He searched many denominations for the real church, only to find the Holy Spirit is present in all of them. He's worked for One for Israel, a group of native Israeli believers who are sharing the gospel in the holy land in Hebrew and is part of the only Hebrew speaking seminary in Israel.