From the NLS President · April 2, 2020

National VdC Announcement

Greetings to the Via de Cristo 4th Day Community.

After much consideration and prayer, the NLS Executive Board has made the unanimous decision to cancel the upcoming face-to-face 2020 Annual Gathering in St. Paul, Minnesota, July 29-August 2.  

With the state of our world and the Coronavirus rapidly spreading, we felt compelled to take action and relieve the VdC Community from wondering whether the Annual Gathering will be held or not.

Note that, because of the National Lutheran Secretariat Constitution, we MUST hold an Annual Meeting of Delegates.  The details will follow.

For several weeks now, we have been compiling a Plan B for the Annual Gathering/Meeting. We will send all the information you need to participate virtually as a family of God.

In the following weeks, you will receive instructions/directions on how the virtual business meeting will be conducted and how to access the webinars.   We will plan, research and try to make the whole process as easy as possible.  Please bear with us as we travel through this unknown territory.

The elected leadership of each Secretariat should designate their delegate/delegates and Clergy delegate by May 1.  Jeanne Gaston, NLS Secretary, needs to have those names and emails by May 15. Her email is  If you are unsure how many delegates your Secretariat is allotted, please contact Jeanne.

Items on the Business Meeting Agenda, that require voting by the delegates, will be sent out to the entire community prior to June 1, so that each community member can review, discuss and then officially provide their delegate/s with feedback.

We trust that God leads us through this challenging time in history and that each of you and your families will be safe in His peace.

Our hope is in the Lord.

  • Wendy Showalter, President
  • Debbie Klatt, Vice President of Administration
  • Lindsay Daughtery, Vice President of Outreach
  • Pastor Sue Beall, Spiritual Director
  • Jeanne Gaston, Secretary
  • Jim Ryan, Treasurer
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Eric is our current Webmaster and works on the NLS Communications Team. Raised in Judaism, he found Christ and the New Testament at age 16 in a Southern Baptist Church. He searched many denominations for the real church, only to find the Holy Spirit is present in all of them. He's worked for One for Israel, a group of native Israeli believers who are sharing the gospel in the holy land in Hebrew and is part of the only Hebrew speaking seminary in Israel.