Spiritual Director · August 12, 2015

Thoughts from the National Gathering

Grace, peace, and mercy from God: Father, Son, Holy Spirit!

It is my joy, honor, and privilege to write sharing some thoughts of our recent National VdC Gathering, thanking you for the opportunity to lead, and reminding you of a couple of things regarding this ministry. All that while not being too preachy!
Our National VdC Gathering was a joy! The seven worship services were wonderful and uplifting in oh so many ways! The palpable presence of God’s in each one. Kristy Nabhan-Warren, our keynote speaker, grounded us in history and provided encouragement for the journey. The Forums were structured for discussion on aspects of our ministry: weekend, 4th Day, Secretariat, and “What are you going to do” with what you heard. The  conversation and sharing surrounding all this was glorious. While there were many encouraging “high points” for me, the most heart warming was: “next year I am going to make sure I bring someone else to this Gathering because I learned so much!” Next year we “Gather” at Lourdes University in Sylvania, OH, July 21 – 24.
After dinner on Saturday of the Gathering, we said “good bye” to Tedd Smith, your VP for Outreach for the last two years! His love for the Lord and 4th Day Movement ministries is so deep. Please pray for him in the coming months as he works through some physical challenges. He knows God is the ultimate healer – please pray for wisdom (doing the right things at the right time) and God’s presence in all he and his wife Billie experience. We also said good bye to Alice Allison, in abstentia. Alice was not able to be with us since her doctor advised her not to travel. In conversations since, she is doing well and “returning to ‘normal’! With that said, please continue to pray for her. Finally, I was thanked for my service with a gracious gift. Please know it was my joy to lead this ministry over the last four years. I learned so much: about this ministry, about your challenges and opportunities, about how God works in everything we do – the good and especially in what we believe are not so “successful”; and finally, about myself. Thank you from the depths of my being!
I close with some reminders. First, we work in God’s creation, not ours. Relax in the stretching God provides. As when a muscle is stretched, if we tense-up during the stretch, we will end up hurting ourselves. Next, discover and confide in your Aaron. Just as God told Moses, when he felt ill prepared, Aaron’s are important for they often provide insights and encouragement. Finally, I know the key to success: prayer! Without prayer our heart is not right and neither is our definition of success. And the corollary, the key to failure – be all things to all people. If Jesus couldn’t do it, how in the world do we think we can? Be about God’s work in the places and spaces God leads you!
May you each know God’s grace, mercy, peace, and presence!
PS: Steve Gielda asked me to write this – look for a Musing from him in the not too distant future…probably October!
PPS: If you were not able to attend the Gathering, viadecristo.org home page provides a link to the daily Conexiones that provide a great synopsis of the various Gathering activities.
In Christ –
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Eric is our current Webmaster and works on the NLS Communications Team. Raised in Judaism, he found Christ and the New Testament at age 16 in a Southern Baptist Church. He searched many denominations for the real church, only to find the Holy Spirit is present in all of them. He's worked for One for Israel, a group of native Israeli believers who are sharing the gospel in the holy land in Hebrew and is part of the only Hebrew speaking seminary in Israel.