Minutes · January 14, 2019

Meeting January 2019

NLS Executive Committee Meeting
Monday, January, 14, 2019

Present: Wendy Showalter, President, Jim Ryan, Treasurer, Debbie Klatt, Vice President of Administration, Jeanne Gaston, Secretary, and Pastor Robert “Bob” Allman, Spiritual Director

Call to Order at 7:05PM Central Time.

Pastor Bob lead opening prayer.

Minutes for the December 10, 2018, NLS Executive Board meeting were passed with no exceptions by a motion made by Debbie and seconded by Jim.

It is with great sadness that the Board accepted the resignation of Warren Seeley as Executive Director.

Our prayers continue to be with Butch, Wendy, and their family. The Board will be praying and searching for an Executive Director.

Old Business

Rick Hanzlik, Web/AV Coordinator presented some web site design options. The Board wants a web site that is user friendly and will be accessible by computer, tablet, and phone. Rick will contact his team and work on mapping for the new site. Graphics will need to be selected.

Jim – Nothing new.

Wendy – Great teleconference meeting on RCs call last night. Discussed the Calendar of Events. We now have a manual for regional coordinators. They are aware of the help needed for the Annual Activities Report/Survey.

On Annual Activites survey, it was suggested to include on the form mailing and email address for return. Reach out a week before due to RCs and they will help get info.

On the dues, the Secretary will give Jim info of activity from the Annual Report/Survey so he knows how much each Secretariat will owe in dues. Jim to include RCs in billing sent to LDs.

Secretary will inform all LDs and RCs as to how many delegates +1 SD each us alotted – and to invite as many guests as possible. Ask who they think their delegate(s) will be. Need to know all
delegates by 6/1/19.

VPO Nominations – think and pray about people who you think would be a good fit for this position. If the Holy Spirit puts a name on your heart please let Wendy know.

Manuals – there are still a few needed. Please get them completed by March 1.

We are trying to explore grants and funding options for NLS and Host Committees. Thrivent, Hobby Lobby are several options. Jim is in charge of this.

Bob – Pastor Bob would like to see a breakout at the annual gathering for the SDs. There are many ways in which secretariats are attempting to encourage clergy to be involved with VdC. Jeanne will forward information on what VdC Ohio is doing with both a 3 day experience and a 24 hour experience along with contact information for more information. We discussed the need to have the information out this spring. Wendy has another pastor willing to help and will pass the contact information along. Work toward an April launch,


Bob – Wendy suggested prayer support needed for the Board and consistent communications with the
secretariat SDs..

Debbie gave the Board an update on the 2019 A.G. “Save the Date” message will be going out next week. Debbie will create the first marketing video in February to promote and encourage people to attend the AG. She will send out a reminder of who is to slated for videos and when.

Jim – Robert and Brian from the Host Committee requested information on registration money. Still waiting for check from Florida but it should be received soon. Jim will provide the registration fees for the Executive Committee and a few selected Board members.

Jeanne – I need to get together with Debbie on letter for the Annual Activities Report/Survey. Be mindful when sending confidential information via email. The majority of email servers are not

Rick – I am working on some items for the Website.

No New Business

Next meeting will be on February 18th – Full Board

Closing Prayer was led by Pastor Bob

Meeting was Adjourned at 8:24PM Central Time