Rev. Mark Marxhausen
Devote #5
Well, to be perfectly honest with you, I don’t necessarily like talking about religion either. But, I love talking about my Jesus and what He’s done for me and what He’ll do for anyone else.
Devote #4
I wonder if God ever gets frustrated? I mean, He had just told Moses, in no uncertain terms, that the people of Israel were coming out of Egypt and he was going to be the one to do it. What more did he want or need? What more do we need?
Devote #3
Sometimes I think that’s how Joseph must have felt (Genesis 40-41). At one time, he was daddy’s favorite – even had the coat of many colors to prove it. He also had some dreams (though he probably should have kept them to himself) that proved he was going to be somebody, one day.
Devote #2
We have a tendency to believe bigger is better… more bells and whistles mean more buy-in from people… the greater the show, the greater the income and the output. But that’s not how it works according to what I read in the Bible.
Devote #1
Those thoughts rumbled through my mind today as I read what John the Baptist was telling the people. He said, “Turn back to God!”
Affirm #21
we’ll use for 2017 is, “Devote.” I believe the Holy Spirit is asking us to be devotional people, devoting our time to meditate on the Word and being filled with His presence and purpose. So let’s start Devote 2017!
Affirm #20
God actually says, “I will always show you where to go.” That sounds so good and so comforting, but the problem is, me!
Affirm #19
This is the Good news that God our Father sent His Son, Jesus, into the world to atone for the sins of all people, including you and me.
Affirm #18
Sometimes, in our own way, we have a tendency to fashion and mold God into who we want Him to be.
Affirm #17
Today, we’re going to have a little science class. I always liked science and as I was reading the Word this morning, I came across a verse that intrigued my mind – “Inquiring minds want to know”, sort of thing. Here’s the verse I read… “You’ll sink our sins to the bottom of the ocean.” Micah 7:19 MSG So, I wanted to find out how deep the deepest part of the ocean is, the bottom,...
Affirm #16
Time keeps on moving, moving, moving… into the future! Maybe somebody should write a song to that…. Oh, skip it. Somebody already did! I thought of that as I pondered that in a few short days, we will be celebrating once again, Thanksgiving. Where did all the time go? It’s moving so fast. Somehow Thanksgiving snuck up on me and I have to start thinking of something to be thankful for. I wonder if we...
Affirm #15
Sometimes I get so confused. The other day I was watching the Television and a familiar face appeared on a commercial. It was the guy who used to always say, “Can you hear me now?” Of course, at that time, he was promoting Verizon Cellular. His kind of nonchalant, only the facts persona, won people over. Verizon’s catchy little slogan caught on with people and it didn’t take long for them to be sharing the...