Rev. Mark Marxhausen
Devote #77
If you love Me, you will do as I command. Then I will ask the Father to send you the Holy Spirit who will help you and always be with you.
Devote #76
Know that Jesus is walking with you every step of the way and He will continue to do so until you take that final step here on earth, to walk with Him in eternity.
Devote #75
There are many ways to deny Jesus. Not all of them use words. Keep your faith strong and your testimony sure, because Christ is counting on you.
Devote #73
Make sure you love your children by telling them what matters most to you. It’s not always the “things” you give them that matter, but what you invest in them that really counts.
Devote #70
You and I have been blessed tremendously, over and over again with the greatest gift man could ever have received – God’s love and grace through His Son, Jesus Christ. He purchased us with His own blood.
Devote #69
T.S. Eliot wrote, “Most of the evil in this world is done by people with good intentions.” Why do I start that way? Because of what I read in 1 Chronicles 13. This is such an interesting chapter in the Bible. I’ve read it, studied it, taught on it, preached on it, but still we make the same mistake David made, over and over again. In the opening verses of 1 Chronicles 13 we read...
Devote #68
When programs become more important than relationships, we have a problem. Let me say that another way: when what we have planned; our routine, our service, is more important than people and personal ministry, things are going in the wrong direction. Let me explain. One day Jesus was teaching in the synagogue. It was a Sabbath day, so a good many people would have been present, doing their religious expectation. One of the people there...
Devote #67
So, let’s have a serious talk about worry. You know the thought and the feeling because you most likely have done it before… not just once, often. And for some of you, it’s a lifestyle. Some people I know just can’t help it. They’ve lived their life that way for so long, it becomes their first and last reaction. But can I tell you; it not only ruins your physical health but can also raise...
Devote #66
The 9th chapter of Luke is by far one of my most favorite chapters of the Bible (I know… I say that about a lot of chapters of the Bible). But seriously, this is one powerful chapter. In it Jesus sends out His twelve disciples. Their marching orders are really very simple…“He gave them complete power over all demons and diseases, Then He sent them to tell about God’s kingdom and to heal the sick.”...