
Eleventh Day of Lent

Eleventh Day of Lent with Carolyn Witham, Secretary for National Lutheran Secretariat.

Fifth Day of Lent

One of the most impactful things about my weekend, and probably many of yours as well, was the “Day in the Life” talk that covered Jesus crucifixion, death, and resurrection.

Fourth Day of Lent

NLS President John Aclin shares thoughts on Lent and using this season to grow with Christ.

Third Day of Lent

Third Day of Lent with Jane Winge, VP Administration for Via de Cristo.

Second Day of Lent

Second Day of Lent with Karen Weires, VP Outreach for Via de Cristo.

First Day of Lent

Lenten practices—the ways we draw closer to the Lord during this important season. Reverend Sue Beal is Spiritual Director for Via de Cristo.