Via de Cristo

Essentials Webinar

A discussion on the Essentials of the Via de Cristo program. Intro by John Aclin, NLS President, and Pastor Paul, Essentials Author and Editor.

Who should attend a Via de Cristo weekend?

Via de Cristo is intended for lay people from every walk of life and for pastors. Via de Cristo is for people who live strong and active lives in Christ, and also for those who seek to be renewed and strengthened in their relationship with Christ and the people around them. Via de Cristo is open to married couples as well as single men and women.

What happens on a Via de Cristo weekend?

A Via de Cristo weekend is a three-day journey, beginning on Thursday evening and ending Sunday evening.

After the Weekend

You may attend a Via de Cristo weekend only once in your life. Our prayer is that you build on it for the rest of your life.

Via de Cristo and Recent E.L.C.A. Assembly Actions

In regards to recent actions by the E.L.C.A., Via de Cristo maintains that we do not, as a matter of policy, endorse, denounce or pass judgment on actions by any church body.

Charter Members

Whereas we, the undersigned, and others associated with us, desire, for the sake of our common purposes, to band ourselves together into a National Cursillo Secretariat for Lutherans…

The Prison Story

A group of young men, of the Spanish Action Movement, were attempting to launch, what they believed would be a wonderful

About the Founder of Cursillo

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