Spiritual Director · September 22, 2017

Devote #111

Can you begin to imagine how many more people the Apostle Paul could have reached with the saving Gospel message of Jesus, if he would have had FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.? I mean he could have reached millions more than he actually did.

But here’s what caught my eye as I read the Word today:

“Every time I think of you, I thank my God. And whenever I mention you in my prayers, it makes me happy. This is because you have taken part with me in spreading the good news from the first day you heard about it.” —Philippians 1:3-5

When I read that, I realized that I felt the same way about you. Many of you join me in this devotion every day, whether it’s in printed form or video and you partner with me in passing it along to others.

I know some of you who only get the printed form, cut and paste or just forward this devotion to many on your mailing list and in doing so you are partnering with me in sharing the Good News of our Savior Jesus.

Those of you who watch this devotion on FaceBook, share it on your FaceBook page which allows countless others to watch it as well, who pass it on to others.

With the Apostle Paul, I say “Thank you for partnering with me in spreading the Good News of Jesus.”

I find it a very amazing thing. It’s so simple if you really stop to think about it. I spend time each morning in the presence of God, in His Word. Holy Spirit encourages me with a thought that is true in my life and hopefully, prayerfully, is true in your life.

I write it down and pass it on to you, or I sit in front of my computer and make a video. Either way, it gets in front of you.

You then, being touched by the Holy Spirit, send it on to your family and friends, of whom I’ve never met. They, in turn, might possibly do the same. And in a moment of time, lives are changed, hope is restored, love is shared, encouragement is giving, and our God is glorified. Don’t know if you realize this, but we’re doing ministry together! We’re partners. I may write this devotional, but without you, it’s just a journal for me. But together, we’re kingdom builders.

Here’s my word of encouragement for you today

I’d like to ask you to pass these devotionals on to as many people as possible, so they too may be encouraged in their faith and know they’re not walking alone. Cut and Paste, or just forward this message to as many as you can. Or, share this on your Facebook page for others to watch.

Bottom line: It’s all about Jesus! When we lift Him up before people. His kingdom will come and His will, will be done. Thank you for reading. God bless you.

You’ve called us into an awesome ministry where we get to partner with our brothers and sisters in passing on Your Good News. Help us as we work together to give You all the praise. In Jesus precious name we pray, Amen.

—Rev. Dr. MM Marxhausen

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Mark was Spiritual Director for VdC from 2016 to 2019. He's written many of the devotions, especially the Devote and Affirm series, found on this website.