Spiritual Director · July 8, 2015

Go Bless America

Every time I plugged in the green electrical cord into my garage outlet a fuse would blow. It didn’t seem right that there were a few sparks coming from the plug-in nor did it seem right to have the fuse go out every time. I even tried different outlets outside the house because I desperately needed to trim my yard and home with my electric trimmer! So my handyman brother suggested there may be a difference in the green electrical cords and the orange ones I am used to. After all, it was his green electrical cord he gave me along with a “holder” that mounted up on the garage wall.

So I visited my local hardware store and was shocked at how much extension cords can cost, and the variety. I’m not spending nearly $100 just so my extension cord can light up and show me it’s working. I’m not buying a yellow one for $89 so I kept shopping up and down the aisle. Then amidst all the varieties I found one for $19 that was for outdoors and was 100 feet long! I plugged that in and everything worked perfectly, no sparks and no fuses blown! I guess the “amps” or something inside the cords can be different amounts and be too strong for the outlet.

I also have noticed a difference when I “plug in” to my God and when I am “unplugged!” (Pun intended! ) Last Sunday at church singing some of the national hymns like “God Bless America” was so inspiring. Yes, we know that God has blessed the whole world in Jesus our Lord and Savior! What a difference having God in our lives and hearts and souls. We have a friend in Jesus who longs to carry the heavy burdens we face in life (Matthew 11:28) all we have to do is “plug in” and let go.  God Bless America seems too big for me to handle. I need it simpler and easier to apply to my life. When I shrink it down the “America” around us is our family, work, neighborhood and every place we go. Because God has blessed me/us we can go and bless the “America” where we live and work and play. How do you bless someone else? I’d say love them, care for them, listen to them, encourage them, show interest in them and their lives. There are countless possibilities.

Church signs and retail store signs all seemed to have the words “God Bless America” on them for this past weekend. One such sign was missing the letter “D” and I thought that really does sum up the plugged-in existence we have in the Lord today! Friends, let’s “Go Bless America!”


 Pastor Doug Givan

Staff Chaplain

Clay, Brazil

Seton, Indy


“Have faith there is a reason you go through certain things. I can’t say I am glad to go through pain, but in a way one must in order to gain courage and really feel joy.”   -Carol Burnett


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Eric is our current Webmaster and works on the NLS Communications Team. Raised in Judaism, he found Christ and the New Testament at age 16 in a Southern Baptist Church. He searched many denominations for the real church, only to find the Holy Spirit is present in all of them. He's worked for One for Israel, a group of native Israeli believers who are sharing the gospel in the holy land in Hebrew and is part of the only Hebrew speaking seminary in Israel.