Minutes · April 20, 2020

Meeting April 2020

NLS Executive Committee Meeting & Standing Committee Chairs Meeting
Monday, April 20, 2020

Present: Wendy Showalter, President,- Debbie Klatt, VP of Administration, Lindsey Daugherty, VPO, Rev. Sue Beall, Spiritual Director, Jeanne Gaston, Secretary, James Ryan, Treasurer, Skip and Lori Gooch, Archivist/Historian, Hollie Jennings, Newsletter Editor, Rick Hanzlik, Web/AV Coordinator, Rhonda Balsley, Non-Profit/Tax Advisor, Dave Lambert, Database Coordinator, Tom Krause, National Distribution Center

Absent: Paul Sabatier-Smith, Palanca Chair

Call to Order at 7:06PM CT

Opening Prayer was led by Lindsay

Old Business

Elections/Nomination Forms – Election forms are available to anyone who would like to run for SD, Treasurer, and VPA. Potential Bylaw Changes were discussed and finalized for sending to the VdC community.

GuideStar – Jeanne and Debbie did some research on GuideStar. Dave was not aware of the negative remarks Jeanne came across so could not respond at this point. After some discussion and the realization that NLS has received no benefit from GuideStar, Debbie made a Motion to not input any more information or time into this. Jeanne 2nd. Motion passed.

Executive Director Interviews – Paul Schmidlin Warren Seeley, Jeanne Gaston, Jim Ryan and Wendy Showalter will be interviewing Brian Schwarz and Steve Siroky next week.


Debbie – AG Plan B Updates, Mid-Year – Debbie is working on video meeting for the annual meeting and how to do it. There will be a test run sometime in May. In addition to the meeting we discussed possibly having a Keynote, 3 Forum speakers, and one workshop, sermon(s). Jim will check on some best practice options for the video meeting

Midyear Meeting will be Nov 5-8. It will be held in McQueeney, TX – Attendees will probably include Executive Committee, Executive Director, Rick, and possibly Hollie. Send written reports for the annual meeting to Debbie no later than June 15th.

Pastor Sue – Nothing to present at this time. Survey did not result in very many responses.

Jim – Report submitted.

Jeanne – Still working on getting Annual Activities Reports and Delegates. The response has been slow.

Lindsay – New RC for Region1-Karen Weires from Nevada. Message out for Region 7 and 6. RCs for Region 1 and 6 will take over in July. Region 7 can start immediately.

Rick – Working on the new website

Hollie – Newsletter just sent out. Looking at updating the masthead. There are some issues with the current one. No change at this point.

Rhonda – State of Minnesota/VdC Contact Name Change – The address needs to be changed. A registered address is needed. One solution is to have a registered agent. Jim made a motion to change the address and contact name to Wendy since she has a Minnesota address. Sue seconded. Motion passed.

In 2008 it was adopted that our name and trademark can be used by our affiliated Secretariats. There will be information concerning this posted on our website.

Skip/Lori – No report Dave – Had to leave the meeting but reported afterwards that all outstanding database updates were completed as promised by March 15 in time for the March NLS Executive Committee Meeting. Only one update was brought to his attention in April. Timely input from Secretariats continues to be a problem.

Tom – No report

New Business


Next Meeting – Executive Committee – May 18, 2020, 7 PM CT

Closing Prayer was led by Pastor Sue

Adjourn at 9:06 PM CT

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Eric is our current Webmaster and works on the NLS Communications Team. Raised in Judaism, he found Christ and the New Testament at age 16 in a Southern Baptist Church. He searched many denominations for the real church, only to find the Holy Spirit is present in all of them. He's worked for One for Israel, a group of native Israeli believers who are sharing the gospel in the holy land in Hebrew and is part of the only Hebrew speaking seminary in Israel.