Minutes · April 19, 2021

Meeting April 2021

NLS Executive Committee & Standing Committee Chairs Meeting
Monday, April 19, 2021

Present: Brian Schwarz, Executive, Wendy Showalter, President, Rev. Sue Beall, Spiritual Director, Jeanne Gaston, Secretary, James Ryan, Treasurer, Sue Bathe, Non Profit Compliance Coordinator, Dave Leverenz, Archivist/Historian, Marcia and Randy Poisel, Database Coordinator, Rick Hanzlik, TechnologyAdministrator

Absent: Amanda Hunter, Communications Coordinator, Tom Kraus, Distribution

Call to Order 7:00 PM CT

Opening Prayer led by Pastor Sue

A motion was made to approve March’s Meeting Minutes by Sue Beall. 2nd by Jim and motion passed.

Old Business

Laity Rollos – Due to Wendy next month. Discussion to follow regarding length of time allotted for each.

Open Positions – We have been contacted by a few people concerning these positions. Once we have Nomination Forms in hand we will review and talk to each person.

SD Support Team – Combination of clergy and laity to help support the National SD. The Executive Committee agreed with the formation of the SD Support Team and will support it. The SD Support Team will not be taking over the duties of the National SD.


Brian – Leadership Forum 4/24. Will be talking about how to have safe weekends. Dave McConnell from Sonbeam will be helping with the Forum. Break down of the weekend and how each section might be handled. Wendy will solicit feedback on what types of participation/interaction they would like during the AG.

Pastor Sue – Excited about the SD Support team. A few prayer partners need to be reassigned.

Jeanne – Annual Activity Reports/Delegate Request – Only 13 to go!

Outreach – Without a VP for Outreach, Wendy is trying to pick up some of the tasks. We would like to have another Ultreya in early June if it can be pulled together. The EC is in favor.

Jim – We have money in the bank and have received several donations in the last month.

Amanda – Brian speaking for Amanda. Items are routinely being posted. The next newsletter will be posted the first week in June being edited by our new newsletter editor, Steve Kipp. There is a small issue with moving our Facebook from a personal profile to a page. It is being worked on.

Rick – Website is up and running. Lindsay previously requested the RCs be listed under the Meet Us tab.
Jeanne suggested that this makes sense. As is, it is difficult to find RCs and locations of Secretariats.

Randy/Marcia – Lists. Working on cleaning up some of the email lists and other items in Constant Contact. As we get closer to the AG, Randy will need more information for the registrations.

Dave – Enhance the archives. Power Point on how Dave sees the archives being organized. He requested that the EC Members let him know in the next couple days any thoughts and suggestions.

Sue – Brian asked Sue to do some database research organization. So far she has not found anything that is affordable. Also pulling together a calendar of all items to be completed during the year.

New Business

A.G Programming Meeting – follow-up to Forum. Once we get feedback from the Leadership Forum we will define the programing and all the elements. Wendy will seek people to work on various tasks.

Closing Prayer – led my Pastor Sue

Adjourn – A motion was made by Jeanne. It was 2nd by Pastor Sue – the motion passed and we adjourned at 8:41PM CT.

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Eric is our current Webmaster and works on the NLS Communications Team. Raised in Judaism, he found Christ and the New Testament at age 16 in a Southern Baptist Church. He searched many denominations for the real church, only to find the Holy Spirit is present in all of them. He's worked for One for Israel, a group of native Israeli believers who are sharing the gospel in the holy land in Hebrew and is part of the only Hebrew speaking seminary in Israel.