Minutes · September 16, 2019

Meeting August 2019

NLS Executive Committee Meeting
Monday, August 19, 2019

Present: Wendy Showalter, President, Rev. Sue Beall, Spiritual Director, Debbie Klatt, VP for Administration, Jeanne Gaston, Secretary, James Ryan, Treasurer, and Lindsay Daugherty, VP for Outreach

Guest: Diane Purcell joined our call about 7:20PM

Call to Order 7:04CT

Opening Prayer was led by Pastor Sue

Approval of Past Meetings’ Minutes:
Wednesday, July 24, 2019, Executive Committee Minutes. A motion was made a by Debbie to accept the minutes with the addition of adding G. Karl Gaston as a guest and seconded by Lindsay. Motion passed Thursday, July 25, 2019, Full Board Meeting Minutes. A motion was made by Jim to approve the minutes with a second by Debbie. Motion passed. Saturday, July 27, 2019 meeting – Full Board Minutes. A motion was made by Sue to approve the minutes and seconded by Lindsay. Motion passed.

Old Business

Newsletter Editor, Sadly Carol has resigned and has nominated someone. Rick sent out a notice to community requesting nominations. We will be accepting nominations until September 16, 2019. We will then interview the nominees.

There will be another email/Facebook blast for people to sign up for different committees. There were sheets at the annual gathering but we have not been able to retrieve them.

Executive Director – We don’t feel we can wait for a year to file this position. As soon as we start getting names we will set up a teleconference call with the interviewers, a panel consisting of the current National Lutheran Secretariat (NLS) Executive Director (we don’t currently have anyone in this position), two previous Executive Committee (EC) members and two current EC members, as stated in the current job description. A suggestion was made to set up a committee to compare the three job descriptions.

Crosses to Papua New Guinea – Shipped and paid for by Wendy. She will not be submitting an expense for this mailing.

Is a Street/Mailing Address needed for Constant Contact? If one is needed come with ideas in November on what address should be used. We have had a fair number of people that have opted out. Do we try to contact these people in another way? Decisions need to be made in September with the Full Board.


Jim – Current Financials – We received in a little over $4100 for Outreach during the AG. Brian will be sending a check to Jim for $350.

Sue – Prayer Partners, August – Mid-year: Wendy/Rhonda, Lindsay/Jeanne, Debbie/Dave Lambert, Sue/Jim, Rick/Tom, Paul/Skip and Lori Wendy requested that Sue explain expectations on SD Survey for our next meeting.

Debbie – AG Follow- Up, Check in the amount of $237.25 from Symbols Inc. was sent to the NLS because we allowed them to send product for a booth that someone from the community manned for them.

Debbie made a motion to get a SSL certificate for our new website. This would make us a secure website. The cost would be between $50-$300. Jeanne seconded the motion. Wendy made a Friendly amendment to the motion that we research the cost and then vote on it next month. The friendly amendment was approved.

Brian Schwarz paid the fee to increase our band width during the AG.
Reminder to get transportation to the Mid-Year Meeting together and send plans to Debbie.

The Board would like to invite Rick to attend Mid-year. Having our IT/AV would be helpful in assessing any IT needs. Debbie will talk to Rick.

Jeanne – Manuals are coming along. Wendy will talk to Carol on the Newsletter Manual and let Jeanne know.

Evaluations – will be completed before Mid-Year

Lindsay – Updates – Set up a table at a church that was doing a community event for 501C3s. The church is currently not active in VdC but some people were very interested in attending a weekend.
Lindsey is going to suggest to the RCs that they reach out to different churches in person. She will report back to us on any successes.

RCs put together a Facebook page for each region. Please join.
Region 1: https://www.facebook.com/groups/516452489099887/
Region 2: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2301623609920910/
Region 3: https://www.facebook.com/Via-de-Cristo-Region-3-108906127108990/

Region 4: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2533105966771503/
Region 5: https://www.facebook.com/groups/454620518602169/
Region 6: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1168347849943826/

Region 7: https://www.facebook.com/Florida-VdC-Region-7-557307031370556/

New Business

Bylaws Review – Due to information we learned during the Annual Gathering, we acknowledge that our Bylaws need to be reviewed. A committee will be formed for this endeavor. If any changes are suggested by the committee, the Board will discuss. If the Board feels these changes should be brought to the VdC community, we will communicate the potential changes to the community in the spring for further discussion. The potential changes will then be discussed and voted on by the delegates at the 2020 Annual Gathering. Jim volunteered to be on this committee.

Jim suggested that we send Jack Balsley a thank you for being such an asset to the board during the AG as the parliamentarian. Wendy has already given him a small thank you gift.

Closing Prayer led by Pastor Sue. Please keep Carol and her family in your prayers.

Jim shared with us the words of Bishop Eaton: God’s church does not have a mission. God’s mission has a church.

At 8:20PM CT, Jim made a motion to Adjourn. Debbie seconded. The motion passed.

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Eric is our current Webmaster and works on the NLS Communications Team. Raised in Judaism, he found Christ and the New Testament at age 16 in a Southern Baptist Church. He searched many denominations for the real church, only to find the Holy Spirit is present in all of them. He's worked for One for Israel, a group of native Israeli believers who are sharing the gospel in the holy land in Hebrew and is part of the only Hebrew speaking seminary in Israel.