Minutes · August 10, 2021

Meeting August 2021

NLS Executive Committee Meeting
Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Present: John Aclin, Jane Winge, Brian Schwarz, Jim Ryan, Pastor Sue Beall, Karen Weires, Kim Brownlow, Eric

Call to Order – John

Opening Prayer led by Pastor Sue

Old Business

The minutes for the July 26, 2021 meeting were accepted.


Eric – Facebook – Eric gave the Executive Committee an update on the website and a lesson in the operation of the Facebook account. Eric encouraged the EC to be involved in the postings on our Facebook by simple things such as liking posts from others, posting words of encouragement, and having our Regions post weekend updates. Added activity will grow our audience. Eric showed the EC how he tracks the engagement from people and the breakdowns regarding the traffic that visits the site.

Website – With regards to our website, he is working on the ease of access for users and is continuing to fix areas that need correction. Please let him know things that need correction by copying the URL from the top of the specific page and send it to him. The lesson was informative and enlightening.

Jane – Annual Gathering Follow Up
Jane had a meeting with the AG and Host Committees. Jane submitted the 2021 Annual Gathering Debrief &
2022 Forward Feedback to the EC and reviewed the findings from that report. They believe that a hybrid
model is the way to go forward. They will market both avenues for the Annual Gathering in 2022. They have
brought in a Tech Cha and are currently looking for a Facilities Set Up Lead, Office Communication Lead, and
a Driver Lead. Jane encouraged the EC to buy our tickets now for the mid-year meeting and send the
information to her.

Pastor Sue – Spiritual Director Support Committee will be reviewing the SD video and brochure. They are actively looking for a copy of the brochure to review.

Jim – Jim attended the meeting and was present for the Technology Lesson but had to leave shortly after due to a prior commitment. The Finance Summary Report was sent to the EC.

Kim – Kim needs to get the information to set up the Zoom calls. She will send the approved minutes to Eric and Amanda. Kim will have more information when she receives the packet from Jeanne to ensure completion of the tasks necessary for the Secretary position.

Karen – Karen informed the EC that Region 1 & 2 Coordinators have stepped down and she is looking to fill those positions. Karen will be meeting with the Regional Coordinators next week. Some of our Coordinators are new and her primary focus now will be building those relationships. Karen has been talking to the Episcopal Cursillo and hopes to continue building the relationship with them in the hopes of helping each other.

New Business

John sent the EC a Five-Year Plan handout to refer to during the discussion. John asked the EC to consider the following question: What does a great Via de Cristo look like?

John stated the first thing we need to consider in answering that question is to identify where we are now. The Regional Coordinators have valuable information from the local Secretariats and will play a key role in helping us to answer those questions. Weekends are wonderful, but it comes down to our 4th Day and intentional Sponsorship. John would like the EC to take time to reflect on the following questions: What does great look like? and What is our purpose / role?

John has set up a Google Docs labeled NLS Planning Ideas. John asked that the EC utilize this document by August 24th, to submit our responses for purposes of discussion moving forward.

Upcoming Meetings

  • September Meeting – Tuesday, September 21, 2021 – 9:00 – 10:00 p.m. EST – Executive Committee, Appointed Leadership, and Committee Chairs
  • October Meeting – Tuesday, October 12, 2021- 9:00 – 10:00 p.m. EST – Executive Committee

Closing Prayer led by Pastor Sue

Respectfully submitted, Kim Brownlow

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Eric is our current Webmaster and works on the NLS Communications Team. Raised in Judaism, he found Christ and the New Testament at age 16 in a Southern Baptist Church. He searched many denominations for the real church, only to find the Holy Spirit is present in all of them. He's worked for One for Israel, a group of native Israeli believers who are sharing the gospel in the holy land in Hebrew and is part of the only Hebrew speaking seminary in Israel.