Minutes · December 14, 2021

Meeting December 2021

NLS Executive Committee and Appointed Chairs Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Present: John Aclin, Jane Winge, Pastor Sue Beall, Karen Weires, Kim Brownlow

Absent: Brian Schwarz, Jim Ryan

Call to Order – John

Opening Prayer led by Pastor Sue

Minutes from the November 9, 2021 were accepted.

Old Business

Update on the Registered Agent
We have secured our Registered Agent Company in Minnesota, Harbor Compliance. Kim has paid Harbor Compliance to be our Registered Agent for a period of one year for a cost of $99.00 and the filing cost for the Change of Registered Agent in the amount of $108.00. Jim has sent a reimbursement check to Kim.


Pastor Sue – Spiritual Director Support Committee: The SD Support Committee is still working on a paper survey of Secretariat SDs throughout Via de Cristo. Sue is excited about the possibility of working with other SDs regarding the pan-Lutheranism environment and how we can continue to grow in our acceptance of others and still be Lutheran in our theology. Sue is also praying for a creative way to reach out to SDs in a multi-prong approach to get more pastors actively involved in the VdC.

New prayer partners for the board will be assigned in January. Begin praying about who we should seek out to run for the new SD in 2022.

Karen – Outreach: Continues to work with RC’s and still looking for Coordinators for several of the Regions. Karen is hoping to connect with the new Secretariat in Wisconsin.

Jane – Administration: Jane continues preparations for the 2022 Annual Gathering. The 2022 VdC NLS Annual Gathering Keynote and Forum Outlines from the Host Committee were sent to the EC for review. There was a brief discussion regarding the activities that will be live streamed at the AG.

Jim – Treasurer: Report attached.

Kim – Secretary: Kim notified the EC that she will need to step down as the NLS Secretary and is hopeful that the board would reach out to those who showed interest in being part of the EC in the past or anyone who may be a great fit to this wonderful team. She will continue as secretary for a short time to complete the necessary tasks until a new secretary is found.

John – President: John has spoken to Eric and is hopeful that the website will be updated by December 20th. The Lay Director Round table is Dec. 20th. John will work with Jim to sort out the remaining Bylaw Review changes that will be addressed at the AG. John also discussed assembling the Nominating Committee. It was recommended that we have 3 people on that committee.

John will be attending the Summit Meeting for 4th Day.

New Business

John discussed action plans for several of the 2021/2022 challenges that were discussed at mid-year. We will begin discussions on those items the EC identified in January. The EC has made efforts in creating space for dialogues in the hopes of building a bridge between Secretariats and the EC. Having the Lay Director Round Table and RC meetings is a wonderful staring point. We want to build from the work that the RC’s have done in bridging the gap.

Action Items: Activities Report will go out to the Secretariats by the Secretary. The RC’s will let the Lay Directors know they are coming. John will ask Jeanne what the total numbers were in the count from the 2020 Activities Report.

John will send out a note to the EC and Appointed Chairs regarding a possible schedule change for our meetings in the effort to accommodate most of the board. John will notify the board of the next meeting date and time.

Kim made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Jane 2nd.

Closing Prayer – Pastor Sue

January Meeting – TBD – for EC and Appointed Chairs

Respectfully submitted, Kim Brownlow

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Eric is our current Webmaster and works on the NLS Communications Team. Raised in Judaism, he found Christ and the New Testament at age 16 in a Southern Baptist Church. He searched many denominations for the real church, only to find the Holy Spirit is present in all of them. He's worked for One for Israel, a group of native Israeli believers who are sharing the gospel in the holy land in Hebrew and is part of the only Hebrew speaking seminary in Israel.