Minutes · February 18, 2019

Meeting February 2019

NLS Board Meeting
Monday, February 18, 2019

Board members present: Wendy Showalter, President, Jim Ryan, Treasurer, Debbie Klatt, Vice President of Administration, Jeanne Gaston, Secretary, Rhonda Balsley, Non-Profit/Tax Advisor, Carol
Reedstrom, Conexiones Newsletter Editor, Dave Lambert, Database Coordinator, Paul Sabatier-Smith, Palanca Chair – Rick Hanzlik, Web/AV Coordinator

Board members absent: Skip and Lori Gooch, Archivist/Historian, Tom Krause, National Distribution Center

The meeting was called to order 7:04PM CT

Opening Prayer was led by Carol.

Motion was made by Jim, seconded by Debbie and passed to postpone the approval of the minutes from January’s Executive Committee Meeting minutes until the March meeting.

Wendy announced the resignation of Pastor Bob and the Executive Committee will meet to discuss and pray on steps to take.

Old Business

Wendy-NLS Tax Penalties – Wendy has contacted Tim Dickie who is filing paperwork on our behalf. With the government shut down, the process is taking some time.

We are still in need of prayers and recommendations for VPO and Executive Director.

Manuals – Still some not completed. Wendy will contact each person individually.


Debbie – All speakers are in place for the AG.

Registration is up and running. Good response so far.

One secretariat contacted Debbie (in Wendy’s absence) concerning moving rollos to different times/days. Debbie did explain that the rollos are part of the significant and powerful progression of the VdC weekend and that rearrangement should not be altered.

Dave requested that the registration form requires what type of phone number the registrant is providing. He suggested this for the good of the data base. Debbie and Rick will discuss.

Jim – Under $30k in checking and has started billings and has received some dues for this year. He will reach out to Brenda concerning $900 from Sonshine.

Jim sent an advance of the A.G. registration fees for the Executive Committee to the INKY team.

Jim will research additional funding. Hobby Lobby is a no go for the AG. Thrivent is short on funds as well, but Jim will inform the secretariats about the small team/funding. He will work with Carol to create an article for the newsletter.

Jeanne-The Annual Activities Report has been sent out to all the Lay Directors. Some responses were received the same day it was sent others have been very slow coming in.

Jeanne has been working on some of the copy for the new website. Debbie has found some great pictures that can be used..

Rick – Will contact his re-design team tomorrow concerning new website. Wendy asked Rick to remove Butch (and his bio) and Pastor Bob from the NLS website “Contact Us” page.

Carol – Newsletter went out. She will send out an email on what is needed for the next issue and the deadline for submission. Carol will be in contact with the AG communications team until after the January newsletter.

Les/Lori-not on call

Rhonda -Nothing to report. Wendy thanked Rhonda for staying on top of Minnesota Non-Profit law.

Dave – Wendy will read over the report Dave sent and will be back in contact with him. There are 14 secretariats that he doesn’t have current information on.

Paul – Paul explained that the secretariats send weekend information to him and he posts it to the NLS website. He also reviews all the VdC Secretariat websites to see if they have weekends listed. If
they do and he doesn’t have the information, Paul is contacting their LD or Palanca Chair to ask if they would like it post on the NLS website. Wendy asked Paul to work with Carol and put together an article for the newsletter and an email blast.

Biggest issue for the Secretariats/Palanca chairs is the 3dayOL.org website. Good information on the website but is not NLS and Paul has had issues getting a response from the website manager. This issue will also be explained in the newsletter article and the email blast.

Tom– Not on call

New Business

Dave Lambert asked the Board to keep GuideStar on our ongoing list of tasks.

Closing Prayer led by Carol.

Motion was made by Jeanne, seconded by Debbie and passed to adjourn meeting at 7:57PM CT.