Minutes · June 10, 2019

Meeting May 2019

NLS Executive Committee Meeting
Monday, May 13, 2019

Present: Wendy Showalter, President, Rev. Sue Beall, Spiritual Director, Jeanne Gaston, Secretary, James Ryan, Treasurer, Debbie Klatt, VPA, Lindsay Daugherty, VPO

Called to Order at 7:04PM CT

Opening Prayer given by Pastor Sue

Motion was made by Sue to approve the minutes for April’s meeting. Jim seconded and the motion passed.

Old Business

Wendy reported that we still have not heard from IRS regarding penalties.

Debbie needs Nomination Forms from Jeanne, Lindsey, and Wendy.


Pastor Sue – CREW – Clergy Renewal Experience Week- Pastor Sue sent the Executive Committee the guidelines for review. The guidelines establish a yearlong planning process. These are with the understanding that different secretariats do some things differently but the fundamentals should be followed. This will be presented at the Annual Gathering this summer.

Ongoing S.D. Communications- so far the only communications are weekly devotionals.

Pastor Sue is asking for feedback from each but not receiving much.

Review SD Manual- In the process of reading, re-reading and making suggestions for updating.

Debbie – Annual Gathering – 165 Registered to date. Working with Host Committee. Somethings are working fast and some slow. The preference would be to have everything ahead of time. All board reports need to be to Debbie by May 15th

Debbie and Wendy will be finalizing the EOIs in the next several weeks. Two vendors will be in attendance at the AG.

Jeanne – Annual Activity Reports – Still working on getting replies from some of the secretariats. Jeanne will be sending out notification of the number of eligible delegates for each secretariat in the upcoming weeks and requesting delegate names. This whole
process has been slowed down because of inaccurate information from the database.

Job Manuals – I have several of the manuals in hand and will be contacting the people who have not submitted and see what help is needed to get them done.

Jim – Annual Billing has been a little difficult without being able to get a good list of secretariat officers. Jim did contact the RCs who were very helpful.

Our CD will be renewed for one year with Thrivent.

Jim will put together draft for a new budget.

The $1,200 renewal fee is due for our Trademark and will be paid by the deadline.

Taxes have been filed for the current year.

Lindsay – We have a new RC, Shelli Eder, for Region 2. Lindsay will share meeting minutes with the RCs with the Executive Committee when they have an actual meeting.

Debbie requested reports from all the RCs for the AG. Lindsay will have them send the information to Debbie. Debbie already has the report for Region 4.

Lindsay has had inquiries concerning the number of eligible delegates for the secretariats. The information should be going out in the next several weeks.

New Business

Wendy opened up a discussion as to the need to secure an experienced grant writer. How would this help future Host Committees, local secretariats, or the NLS?

Executive Committee agreed that we should pursue this idea in the near future. Pastor Sue has an idea on someone that might be good a good fit.

Next meeting is with the entire board on June 10.

Closing Prayer was led by Pastor Sue.

There was a motion made by Debbie to adjourn and seconded by Pastor Sue. Motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 8:21PM CT.

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