Minutes · April 3, 2020

Meeting March 2020

Executive Board Meeting (Teleconference)
NLS Executive Committee Meeting
Monday, March 16, 2020

Present: Wendy Showalter, President- Debbie Klatt, VP of Administration – Lindsey Daugherty, VPO – Rev. Sue Beall, Spiritual Director – Jeanne Gaston, Secretary- James Ryan,

Guests: Karl Gaston and Rhonda Balsley

The meeting was called to order at 8:05 PM CT

Opening Prayer was led by Pastor G Karl Gaston

A motion was made by Jim to approve February’s meeting minutes, 2nd by Pastor Sue and approved.

Old Business

By-Law Committee – G. Karl Gaston, suggested changes were discussed and will be typed up and sent to the Executive Committee, By-Law Committee and Rhonda Balsley for review.

Executive Board Elections – Jim is not going to run for Treasurer this summer. He has reached out to several potential replacements but has not heard back. A community-wide email will be posted later this week inviting nominations for the positions on the Executive Committee that are up for election.

Laity Rollo Committee – Continued to work is being done.

Potential Name Change Committee – On hold for now.

Website – Rick, Wendy, and Jeanne will jointly review the current status of the re-design later this month.

Guinea Pig Project – After months of discussion and a great effort by the committee working on this project, the Executive Committee felt strongly that this weekend re-formatting project should not be named Via de Cristo. The vote was unanimous.


Sue – Clergy Survey – 150 surveys were sent out today.
Pastor Sue would like to reach out to the SDs for each Secretariat
She has asked several SDs to help with rewriting the meditations. One person has responded and is working on one of them.

Debbie – AG is moving along but with Coronavirus she is working on a Plan B. Currently there are not many registered. We will lose half of our deposit if we cancel. If the University cancels we will be refunded the entire amount.

Jeanne – Nomination Forms for all Executive Committee positions except Secretary, President, and VPO have been completed. She will be working on these three in the coming months.
Annual Activity Reports have been or are being sent out. The responses are coming in very slowly. As with previous years we are finding that the database does not always give us the information needed. Officer updates are not always being received.

Jim – First Quarter Status will be sent out by Jeanne to the Executive Committee and Standing Committee Chairs.
Dues Letters are going out.

Lindsay – Is reaching out to try to find RCs for several regions (1, 6, and 7).

New Business

COVID-19 Virus – We will be sending a message to the community concerning the Coronavirus. Plan B for the annual meeting might be using ‘Go To Meeting’. We would need to have all the delegates’ email addresses and would send out a computer link and phone number. We can also do workshops in the same manner. We will relook at the situation in April.

Executive Director Interviews – Paul Schmidlin and Warren Seeley have offered to help with the interview process.

Next Meeting – Executive Committee and Standing Committee Chairs will be on April 17, 2020, at 7:00PM CT

Closing Prayer was led by Pastor Sue.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:40PM CT.

Jeanne Gaston, NLS Secretary

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Eric is our current Webmaster and works on the NLS Communications Team. Raised in Judaism, he found Christ and the New Testament at age 16 in a Southern Baptist Church. He searched many denominations for the real church, only to find the Holy Spirit is present in all of them. He's worked for One for Israel, a group of native Israeli believers who are sharing the gospel in the holy land in Hebrew and is part of the only Hebrew speaking seminary in Israel.