Minutes · December 16, 2019

Meeting November 2019

NLS Executive Committee Meeting
Thursday, November 7, 2019

Wendy called the meeting to Order at 1:25 PM

Opening Prayer was led by Pastor Sue

A motion was made by Debbie to approval September’s meeting minutes. Pastor Sue, 2nd and the minutes were approved.

A motion was made by Jeanne to approval October’s meeting minutes as submitted. Lindsey 2nd and the minutes were approved.

Old Business

SSL Certificate has been purchased. 5 in total were purchased for our domains.

Bylaws Committee – Executive Board is requesting a Final report by Feb 1.

Potential Name Change Committee – Committee chaired by Marcia Poisel. The Board has requested a status report in the spring and other in the summer. This will be a slow process.

Laity Rollos Review Committee – No one yet to chair

Database – Rick will build a task list on how to attack the database. We are having emails reject back for different reasons. Jeanne has requested to have Lindsay gather correct information on Lay Directors for Annual Activities Report for emails that need to go out in mid to late January.


Sue – Assigned new prayer partners for the NLS Board
Presented the Spiritual Director Survey for 2020

Debbie – 2019 AG Feedback, Friday/Saturday Plans

Jeanne – Annual Activities Process

Wendy requested info for CCLI for new website

Rick – Talked about Square for the AG for participants to pay their fees. We are working on an electronic binder, forms, and payment.

Lindsay – Reported on RC meeting.
The board will reach out the RCs to get input on what term limits would work for the RC position.

Palanca Postings – Each Secretariat needs to inform Paul Sabatier-Smith at palanca@viadecristo.org so the weekend can be added to the Palanca page on the viadecristio.org website.

New Business

Terms of Executive Committee – Positions that will be up for election at the AG 2020 are Treasurer, SD, and VPA. Please let the board know by the January meeting if you will be planning on running again.

Closing Prayer was led by Pastor Sue

At 6:20 Lindsay made motion and Debbie 2nd to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed

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Eric is our current Webmaster and works on the NLS Communications Team. Raised in Judaism, he found Christ and the New Testament at age 16 in a Southern Baptist Church. He searched many denominations for the real church, only to find the Holy Spirit is present in all of them. He's worked for One for Israel, a group of native Israeli believers who are sharing the gospel in the holy land in Hebrew and is part of the only Hebrew speaking seminary in Israel.