Minutes · September 21, 2020

Meeting September 2020

NLS Executive Committee Meeting & Standing Committee Chairs Meeting
Monday, September 21, 2020

Present: Wendy Showalter, President, Debbie Klatt, VP of Administration, Lindsey Daugherty, VPO, Rev. Sue Beall, Spiritual Director, Jeanne Gaston, Secretary, James Ryan, Rick Hanzlik, Web/AV Coordinator, Rhonda Balsley, Non-Profit/Tax Advisor, Marcia Poisel, Database Coordinator

Absent: Skip and Lori Gooch, Archivist/Historian, Paul Sabatier-Smith, Palanca Chair, Tom Krause, National Distribution Center, Treasurer, Hollie Jennings, Newsletter Editor

Call to Order at 7:02 PM CT

Opening Prayer was led by Lindsey

Jim made a motion to approval the NLS August Meeting Minutes. Lindsay seconded and the motion passed.

Old Business

5-Year Plan Update:
Independently, Brian and Wendy are writing the rationale for and of specs a Technology Committee and Communications Committee for the Mid-Year Meeting. They will come up with two solid documents for the pros and cons and the meat of those committees.

Laity Rollos – The requested video of the Study Rollo has not been received. Before making a final decision we would like to see how these first rollos fit together. We will discuss this more in October.

Job Manuals and 2020/2021 Goals – Send Job Manuals to Jeanne and the Goals to Wendy. Jeanne did receive an update from Pastor Sue. The reason to complete these manuals is so that someone could step into the position and know what needs to be done and when. It is a living breathing document. Goals are items you would like to get accomplished this fiscal year.

Delegate Calculation Team – Wendy is working on building a team with members representing each region….still needed are region 2, 4, 6, 7. The goal is to have a fair mix of older secretariats and younger ones.


Jim – We have received all the prior year dues except two secretariats. We are in a good cash position, cash wise, at this point with not much activity this time of year. The Host Committee has been sent the full $3000 for the Mid-Year Meeting.

Brian – Working on NLS Board Insurance policy.

Debbie – Mid-Year – Arrive on Wednesday – in time for dinner if possible. We will be meeting from 9-6 Thursday and Friday. Friday will include a campus tour and a Host Committee meeting. Saturday will be as long as it takes to get everything completed. Please funnel all communications though Debbie.

Sue – Will be sending a newsletter article to Hollie. Weekly devotionals are being uploaded to an email blast. Daily Prayers are being sent to Hollie to be posted to our Facebook page. Prayer partners will be re-assigned at the Mid-Year Meeting. Another survey will be delayed until the database can be reviewed.

Jeanne – Communications Forum – I will get together with Hollie to send out an email blast and or Facebook post to ask if there is interest in having a Zoom EOI meeting on Communication methods and challenges.

Lindsay – nothing to report.

Rick – Will be meeting with Jane Winge during Mid-Year regarding the Annual Gathering Website. He is working on the new website.

Rhonda – Doing some research for Debbie on fundraising parameters for the Annual Gathering. Asked Jeanne to record that during the August 1 Meeting a motion was made by Rhonda Balsley and seconded by Sylvia Meister and passed to drop the words “or expel” from the proposed Bylaw 4.5 . So noted.

Randy/Marcia – Received the Job Description from Jeanne and also the login for Constant Contact.

New Business


Closing Prayer was led by Pastor Sue.

Sue made a motion to adjourn. Jeanne Seconded and motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:11 PM CT

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Eric is our current Webmaster and works on the NLS Communications Team. Raised in Judaism, he found Christ and the New Testament at age 16 in a Southern Baptist Church. He searched many denominations for the real church, only to find the Holy Spirit is present in all of them. He's worked for One for Israel, a group of native Israeli believers who are sharing the gospel in the holy land in Hebrew and is part of the only Hebrew speaking seminary in Israel.