Spiritual Director · November 18, 2013

Musings from the president – November 2013

Grace, peace, mercy and love from God: Father; Son; Holy Spirit!

I am amazed that it will soon be Thanksgiving.  I am not really sure where summer went and autumn, well that too is fading into the shadows.  However, I enjoy Thanksgiving.  It was and continues to be a time for family gatherings – a time to just be thankful.  Right now, I would ask you, the reader, to take a moment, maybe four or five minutes, and just “be.”  Be thankful.  Thankful you are where you are.  Not concerned about where you should be – or – could be – or – would like to be.  There is no question, no matter where you are things could be better – and – things could be worse.  Having a thankful heart is difficult, especially when we look at our surroundings and wish.

Please don’t get me started on what I wish for because there are many things I wish were different.  However, there is one thing that I am really thankful for: the ministry God has reminded us we have – being Christ to the people we encounter.  The smile on our face is genuine.  God: Holy Spirit has energized the spirit in our being.  Our actions and lives are not perfect but we are forgiven.  The most exciting thing for me in all of this is somehow, someway God always manages to take my efforts no matter how poorly thought out and make them all work together for good.

As we prepare for this upcoming holiday, I commend Romans 8 to your reading.  I am once again reminded it is all about the journey.  It is being Christ to one another and those around us.  We were energized by our weekend experience to serve God because before the beginning of time, God loved us.  We go into our daily lives knowing God is with us to encourage us and others.

Give thanks with a grateful heart – now and forever!

In Christ –


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Eric is our current Webmaster and works on the NLS Communications Team. Raised in Judaism, he found Christ and the New Testament at age 16 in a Southern Baptist Church. He searched many denominations for the real church, only to find the Holy Spirit is present in all of them. He's worked for One for Israel, a group of native Israeli believers who are sharing the gospel in the holy land in Hebrew and is part of the only Hebrew speaking seminary in Israel.