Minutes · August 26, 2019

Post AG Meeting July 2019

NLS Board Meeting
Saturday, July 27, 2019

Present: Wendy Showalter, President, Rev. Sue Beall, Spiritual Director, Jeanne Gaston, Secretary, James Ryan, Treasurer, Paul Sabatier, Smith, Palanca Chair, Rick Hanzlik, Web / AV Coordinator, Dave Lambert, Database Coordinator, Tom Krause, National Distribution Center, Rhonda Balsley, Non-Profit/Tax Advisor,
and Carol Reedstrom, Conexiones Newsletter

Absent: Paul Sabatier, Smith, Palanca Chair, Skip and Lori Gooch, Archivist/Historian, and Debbie Klatt, VP of Administration

The meeting was called to order at 8:20PM

Opening Prayer was led by Pastor Sue

Old Business

For the record, it is historical that at the end of the AG the new board meets. And all of our meetings are recorded by the secretary.

Clarification on the SD Position – Sue was elected for only one year.

Discussion needs to be held on the existing by-laws. Once we do our due diligence and suggest any changes, recommendations will be sent to the Lay Directors and RCs for discussion within each secretariat. Suggested changes will be included on the agenda for next year’s AG.

We will be completing the manuals to make it easier for the next person coming into that position – so they will have a good idea on what needs done and when.

Wendy would like each of us to come up with 2-3 goals that we would like to accomplish and send them to Jeanne by September 16th

With Rick retiring in October, he will have more time to work on the new website. The locator page is up and running. viadecristo.org/share to get to the SD Manual

The Mid-year Meeting will begin by touring the campus on Thursday morning – November 7. Plan to arrive on Wednesday and leave Sunday morning. Please research flight costs and let Debbie know if you must leave on Saturday.

Next time we will all be face to face will be at the AG. Executive Committee will meet Wednesday afternoon July 29th, full board will meet Thursday morning.

After discussion, it was agreed that Board meetings will be on the third Monday of the month. Essentially, teleconference for Full Board every other month and Executive Committee every. There are a few exceptions to this. Wendy will send a full schedule out to everyone.

Dave brought up some issues with Constant Contact. He also requested help writing a letter to those we don’t have updated information for.

We received over 120 evaluations back this year.

Money from the auctions goes to Outreach.

With great regret, Carol Reedstrom gave us her resignation due to family responsibilities and family health issues. She request that we keep her and her family in our prayers.

Sue led us in a closing prayer.

Rick made a motion to close the meeting at 9:10, Lindsay seconded. Motion passed

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Eric is our current Webmaster and works on the NLS Communications Team. Raised in Judaism, he found Christ and the New Testament at age 16 in a Southern Baptist Church. He searched many denominations for the real church, only to find the Holy Spirit is present in all of them. He's worked for One for Israel, a group of native Israeli believers who are sharing the gospel in the holy land in Hebrew and is part of the only Hebrew speaking seminary in Israel.