Minutes · August 10, 2019

Pre AG Meeting July 2019

NLS Executive Committee Meeting
Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Present: Wendy Showalter, President, Rev. Sue Beall, Spiritual Director, Jeanne Gaston, Secretary, James Ryan, Treasurer, Debbie Klatt, VP of Administration, Lindsay Daugherty, VPO

Guest: G. Karl Gaston


Call to Order- at 2:00PM ET

Opening Prayer Pastor Sue

Motion was made by Debbie to approve the minutes for June’s meeting. Sue seconded and the motion passed.

Old Business



Pastor Sue – She will be presenting the Clergy/Pastor’s Experience – decision made to not use
an acronym

Debbie – Has been working diligently on the AG

Jeanne – 95 Delegates. Received Activities Reports from all except 6.

Jim – Went over Financial Report

Motion by Jeanne to convert cash from AG to purchase a Cashier’s Check to be deposited into Wells Fargo with all other checks. Debbie seconded and motion passed.

All IRS penalties have been waived.

Lindsay – Reported on RC meeting.

New Business

Outreach funds – Jeanne made a motion that the funds from Saturday’s offering go to Outreach. Sue seconded. Motion passed.

New Guinea has asked for crosses for their weekends. 100 are needed. Jim made a motion to pay for the shipping the crosses Jeanne 2nd.

Motion passed.

Constant Contact “Address” – Needs to be changed. This is still under Warren Seeley’s address. We need to check to see if an actual address is needed.

Agenda Approval will needed for Annual Meeting.

Closing prayer led by Pastor Sue

There was a motion made by Debbie to Adjourn and seconded by Pastor Sue.

Meeting was adjourned at 4:32PM ET.