Eric Needle

Meeting September 2019

NLS Executive Committee Meeting
Monday, September 16, 2019

Meeting August 2019

NLS Executive Committee Meeting
Monday, August 19, 2019

Post AG Meeting July 2019

NLS Board Meeting
Saturday, July 27, 2019

Who should attend a Via de Cristo weekend?

Via de Cristo is intended for lay people from every walk of life and for pastors. Via de Cristo is for people who live strong and active lives in Christ, and also for those who seek to be renewed and strengthened in their relationship with Christ and the people around them. Via de Cristo is open to married couples as well as single men and women.

What happens on a Via de Cristo weekend?

A Via de Cristo weekend is a three-day journey, beginning on Thursday evening and ending Sunday evening.

After the Weekend

You may attend a Via de Cristo weekend only once in your life. Our prayer is that you build on it for the rest of your life.

A Fresh Outpouring

As the new Board begins serving you – and we all look to work in our own “vineyards”, I send this message with love and joy.

New Year 2017

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Happy New Year!  Well, 2016 is over.  For some this may be a blessing and for others they will look back at a year that brought much joy. As we consider 2017, many have hope for a better year. Author Rick Page, states in his book Hope is Not A Strategy, that hope, along with faith and love, are essential to life. As you look back at 2016, I’m sure...

A Final Thought

Greetings Brothers and Sisters in Christ: We just had a wonderful week at the NLS Gathering in Sylvania, Ohio! Thanks to the Host committee for a great experience. Because it was so hot I was especially thankful for the golf carts! As you may or may not have known, a new National Spiritual Director was elected and his name is Pr. Mark Marxhausen! He is from Minnesota and you will soon hear from him and...

We are off and running

Friends- We are off and running! The NLS annual gathering begins this week on Thursday. We gather in the name of the Lord to do the business of Via de Cristo, worship, fellowship, and to learn and grow our movement. If you aren’t able to attend, please pour out alot of ‘prayer palanca ‘ for us! For safe travels and a good three days for Jesus. Our brother, Dr. Alan Sager has written extensively about...

Mary and Martha

Whenever I am asked how I’m doing I tend to say something like “Nothing a nap wouldn’t help!” I go by the empty rooms of the hospital where the bed sheets are clean and crisp, the room is dark, the air conditioning is on and they look so inviting! (I would never do that of course, I am being humorous!). The idea of “siesta” where everyone takes an hour or two off in the afternoon...

Summer is Here

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Summer is here and this means it’s time for our Annual Gathering.  This is a great time for those who are able to attend this blessed event.  It’s an opportunity to fellowship with old friends (I know….careful), learn new things to help keep your secretariat strong, and of course worship together as brothers and sisters in Christ! If you haven’t attended, please consider coming next year!  If you are coming...