Rev. Mark Marxhausen

Devote #101

“Finally, these three men stopped arguing with Job, because he refused to admit that he was guilty.” —Job 32:1

Devote #100

God is willing, as a Father, to love us, even when we’re unlovable. But, don’t misunderstand His kindness. His kindness is not to let you or me just keep going the wrong way, doing the wrong thing. No, His kindness steps in and sets us on the right path, going in His direction, doing what He wants done.

Devote #99

Paul just didn’t believe the Good News, he lived the Good News. He just didn’t have a casual religion, he had a lifestyle faith.

Devote #98

The writer is amazed at the great things God has done. They aren’t just good things either… they’re wonderful… marvelous deeds. It’s those things that cause us to have a sense of awe and wonder, and we can’t forget them.

Devote #97

“God loves you and has chosen you as His own special people. So be gentle, kind, humble, meek and patient. Put up with each other, and forgive anyone who does you wrong, just as Christ has forgiven you.

Devote #96

Ever been in that place? Have you ever said something like, “What else can go wrong?” feeling like you’re on a never ending roller coaster ride of disaster with no way off. It seems like trouble comes in multiple doses, not one at a time.

Devote #95

Some of the things his friends say to Job, probably make sense to us and are probably things we ourselves have thought and maybe even said. However, none of the reasons they gave Job were what caused his loss. They thought they were comforting Job when in actuality they were only causing more discomfort.

Devote #94

Suffering and pain are never welcome guest in any lives, yet at times we all have them stop by for a visit. So why is there suffering? And we might ask, “Where is God in our suffering and why isn’t He doing anything about it?”

Devote #93

Ask the Holy Spirit to help you find a way to believe what God’s Word says about you more than you believe what the world says about you.

Devote #92

he Book of Job is such a hard book to read. It’s filled with deep conversations between men, each trying to give their opinion on why mankind suffers, what God is like and what they think Job should do.

Devote #91

“You are my hiding place! You protect me from trouble, and You put songs in my heart.”

Devote #90

Before you just move on to the next thing on your “to-do” list, and before you take some pictures and post it on Facebook, Snap Chat, or Instagram, be sure to spend some time thanking and praising God for all that He has done for you