Spiritual Director · June 15, 2012

Father’s Day

I’m not quite sure what makes a good Dad. I’ve tried different things, like trying to be tougher, tighten up the bed times or mandate the vegetables. I try and do and say the right things, to love my son’s mother, and try to set a good example in all things. Most of all, I am pretty quick to say I’m sorry, or forgive me.

There is a man from my former congregation who I invited to speak one Father’s Day. He said his kids always knew that his “no meant no”. I think my strong-willed-guy thinks my ‘No” is where negotiations begin. But this guy has his youngest of 3 graduating high school and getting scholarships and honors just like the older two. Maybe I’m jealous of that, or wonder how does he do that while another guy molests or beats up their mother? It’s a mad, mad world somebody said.

In Seminary there was a push to have more inclusive language for God. I’m all for the maternal nature of God and the idea that God can’t be “boxed in” as such. I don’t mind the Father language for God. I kind of like the Abba Father, which as you know is a tender term meaning something more like “Daddy”.

Of all the memories of my original weekend the song “Abba, Father” is close to my heart. Such a powerful lyric despite the hand motions (I don’t like hand motions, btw). But I pray for all of us in VDC national and local that we would always be open to allow God to mold us and fashion us. I think we all should pray that we would be One in Christ Jesus. And that in the end, all glory and praise goes to God, who gave His son to die for us, so we could live forever.

Jesus paid a debt he did not owe, so that we would not have to owe a debt we could not pay.

So whether you think you are a great Daddy or not, and whether you had a good Daddy or not, join me tonight in giving thanks for our Father God!

“Your Father in heaven knows what you need before you ask. Pray this way “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day or daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors, and do not bring us to the time of trial, but rescue us from evil.” Matthew 6:8

Happy Father’s day (every day isn’t it??)
Pastor Doug

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Eric is our current Webmaster and works on the NLS Communications Team. Raised in Judaism, he found Christ and the New Testament at age 16 in a Southern Baptist Church. He searched many denominations for the real church, only to find the Holy Spirit is present in all of them. He's worked for One for Israel, a group of native Israeli believers who are sharing the gospel in the holy land in Hebrew and is part of the only Hebrew speaking seminary in Israel.