From the Executive Director · January 4, 2021

New Committees

Greetings and blessings to all of you from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

Top on my mind and my heart right now is the health of our ministry. The Via de Cristo way is built on connections and personal relationships… having weekends, reunion groups, ultreyas. Covid is an evil that looks to disrupt that and isolate us… because as we all know “An isolated Christian is a paralyzed Christian.”

As an Executive Committee, we have spent time in prayer and discussion on what the leadership team needs to look like to best support our secretariats and the Via de Cristo body as a whole. As we have announced on the NLS facebook, we are taking two positions that have historically been individual roles and turned them into teams of 3-5 people to help divide up the work and improve our overall ability to reach others. Rick Hanzlik has agreed to be the Chair of the Technology group and Amanda Hunter has agreed to lead the Communications group. We are blessed to have these humble servants of God lead us in these areas and look forward to what God has in store for us here. If you have interest in volunteering on one of these committees, please reach out to me for more information.

In addition to the new committees forming, we have had a couple of other existing positions on the National Secretariat that open and opportunities for service. Our Archivists Skip and Lori Gooch, our Newsletter Editor Hollie Jennings, and our Compliance Coordinator (Tax Advisor) Rhonda Balsley have discerned God’s call to serve in other areas. Please join me in thanking them for their service to our Ministry and praying for them as they enter their new phase of service. If you have interest in volunteering for one of these roles, please reach out to me for more information.

We also have the Regional Coordinator position available in regions 6 and 7. If anyone feels called to serve in that capacity, please reach out to Lindsay Daugherty, our VP of Outreach for more information. The infographic below gives some high level suggestions on beneficial skills of each position and what it entails. I urge you to consider whether God is calling you to serve in any of these capacities.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly if you want to talk about any of these positions or just talk about what is on your mind!

I want to close today by praying for you. Whatever troubles your heart, whatever struggles you face, may God keep you safe in his arms and bless you abundantly.

In His Service,
Brian Schwarz, Executive Director

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Brian is NLS Executive Director, from 2020 to present. He began his Via de Cristo journey on Indiana/Kentucky men’s weekend #57 back in 2008. It was a life-changing experience for him and bred a passion for Christ and the VdC ministry itself.