From the Executive Director · March 4, 2022

What a year it has been, literally!

On March 2nd of last year, I wrote my first (and last until now) Executive Directors Corner update. I would like to say that I have been working so hard on strengthening the Via de Cristo ministry, that I didn’t have time to write one. I can’t. Life has been crazy for me with work, Covid, etc. The demands of my day job have been overwhelming, but even that isn’t all of it.

Over the second half of the year last year, I struggled to find my place in this ministry, and how God was calling me to serve him.

I spent time in prayer and discussed this with my reunion brother. I couldn’t tell if this uncertainty I felt was a message that God was calling me somewhere else, or if it was the devil shrouding me in doubt.

Then the God moment happened.

John Aclin, our VdC president, reached out to have a meeting with me. I assumed we would share our concerns and thought we would wind up parting ways. However, the call took a very different tone, he ask me to take a bigger part in things. We talked for 90 minutes, and with every passing minute the passion for NLS service just welled up inside me. It was an answer to prayer for me—and we have even begun reunioning on a weekly basis.

If feels like spring in my VdC journey, a rebirth of excitement I felt when I first took the role of Executive Director.

I share this story with you because I believe it is “Spring” in our VdC ministry as well.

After 2 difficult years, our ministry is in a rebirth phase, and as I think about what that means, here are couple of items that come to mind:

  1. Focus on the essentials: Most secretariats have not had weekends in a long time. As you start back up, take a look at the essentials, and build your weekend schedules around that. There are certainly optional things you can include, but given the potential resource and monetary constraints the Covid hiatus has put on us, getting the essentials done are key. (I am a sucker for a good skit though.)
  2. Intentional communication: At one of the churches I attended, we had a team that looked for people we hadn’t seen at church in a while and reached out to them directly to see about them. After 2 years of Covid, we probably need a similar approach. We need to be intentional about inviting 4th day members that we have not interacted in some time back to weekends and ultreyas.
  3. Prayer:  Prayer has been the one constant since our ministry started.  Your prayers and petitions to the Lord keep our ministry strong, and keep the excitement alive. 

I love to hear from you guys with any comments, thoughts, suggestions and questions. Feel free to contact me on: 

May the Lord continue to bless you as we begin our season of Lent!

In His service,
Brian Schwarz

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Brian is NLS Executive Director, from 2020 to present. He began his Via de Cristo journey on Indiana/Kentucky men’s weekend #57 back in 2008. It was a life-changing experience for him and bred a passion for Christ and the VdC ministry itself.